✰ i. keep my feet on the ground ✰

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❝ i don't look for no worries, people, worries and troubles come around. the world keeps on turning, i got to keep my feet on the ground. ❞
— 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨, fleetwood mac

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Through the golden sheer curtains, the rising sun brightly pierced and bounced of the walls of your room. A touch of lavender hit your nostrils as the incense you had lit merely seconds ago sneaked its way to the corners of your bedroom. The smoke gave you confirmation that the stick was burning, and your body started to feel less tense the more you sat in front of your altar.

A bit worried for one of your college exams today, you were grateful that you had woken up a little earlier than usual. It guaranteed some time for you to try and calm down — to clear your mind before a test in one of your most challenging subjects. This would give your brain some space for concentrating and focusing on what you need to study and review before the class begins, as well as some critical thinking skills for when the test was happening in real time.

"I cleanse my room to allow positive thoughts to fill its space, blocking out any negativity and distractions," you chanted with intent. Even if it was only a whisper, a mumble that was no louder than a mouse's feet across the wooden floor, the words left your lips.

After plenty minutes of silence, you sensed the lavender scent of the intense stick fade away. Opening your eyes, the minuscule clouds of smoke that had danced around your room vanished. A quick glance at your phone gave away the time, and you knew to make it to your class on time, it was best to leave your house now.

The drive to your campus wasn't too bad considering how the end of the semester was nearing. Between this transition time after the holiday season begun in the later months of the year, but before the month of December, meant that nobody really showed up to class anymore except for test days.

Your feet carried you up a flight of stairs to your classroom, where your environmental science professor sat at her desk with a smile on her face, greeting you and about three other students who piled in either right before you, or shortly after your arrival. The sage green messenger bag over your shoulder carried your notebook and you quickly opened it, grabbing yourself a pencil and highlighter. Your eyes skimmed the pages in a final effort to study and remind yourself of whatever bullet points from your notes.

A handful of students flooded into the little classroom on the campus. The clock struck 8am and you knew it was time to put away your journal, biting at your bottom lip as a wave of nerves washed over you.

However, they left as fast as they came when your professor spoke, "Everyone, take a deep breath. Take your time, and as always, a grade on a test will never define you. I believe in you all, so good luck!"

You thought to yourself as a smile creeped up your face, not even realizing you had been holding your breath.

Thank you, professor.

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You were one of the last students to finish your exam. As you turned it in, your environmental science professor reached her arm to graze yours. You swore you felt a jolt of electricity shoot up your left hand as you locked eyes with her.

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