✰ vi. rulers make bad lovers ✰

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❝ well, did she make you cry? make you break down? shatter your illusions of love? and now tell me is it over now; do you know how? pick up the pieces and go home. ❞
— 𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯, fleetwood mac

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ — 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

Sitting with Queenie and Nan at the table, one of them must have gotten the remote. You heard the television on, which was background noise for the three of you until something that was said caught your eye.

"The Louisiana campus is still in shock and mourning over the tragic bus crash last night. Seven of them died in the accident while two were rushed to the hospital and are in critical condition."

Your mouth fell to the floor, dumbfounded at what was being told to you from the reporter, "There was a bus crash last night?"

"Seems like it," Queenie shrugged, taking a pause before speaking again, "I hope those two boys are okay. We should be thinking of the families who were affected as well."

You and Nan nodded in agreement, with the latter joining in on the discussion, "That's terrible! Hopefully they recover quickly from their injuries in the hospital."

Zoe walked into the kitchen from all the noise she heard, and you greeted her. However, she didn't even glance your way, and you saw her face grow pale as the television continued to give information about the bus incident.

FRAT PARTY NIGHTMARE: Seven students killed in bus crash, the television read in large, bolder letters at the bottom of the screen.

Sensing Zoe's nausea and overwhelming feeling of worry, you quickly offered her your seat and rushed to get her a glass of water. Your empathetic abilities kicked in as you got the feeling she was not okay from the news — maybe she knew one of the boys that may have gone on that bus?

You wrapped the girl in your arms, embracing her as she sat in your seat. Offering her some fruit, she quietly and politely declined. Poor girl probably felt too queasy to eat anything.

"Officials will not confirm the identities of the deceased."

When Madison walked in, you felt Zoe tense up beneath you. You rubbed her back, trying to reassure her as the actress walked past all four of you to turn the television off. She nonchalantly continued to strut further into the kitchen when you heard Nan's voice.

The girl sounded offended as she spoke, "Hey, we were watching that!"

"And? It was yesterday's news," the blonde replied — almost a little too quickly for your liking. You could practically feel the eye roll Madison was making, even if her back was to all of you.

Zoe stood up and came to Nan's defense, "Really, Madison?"

The girl in question scoffed as Benson neared her friend. You, Nan, and Queenie all sat continuing to eat your breakfast — the atmosphere more intense than before the news was turned on. Your eyes landed on Zoe and Madison as you wondered what they could be discussing in hushed whispers, failing to notice the entrance of the supreme behind you.

"What are we talking about, hm?" You heard Fiona's voice boom throughout the kitchen. The two girls over by the man you had grown to refer to as Spalding froze, "I bet it's about boys."

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