Part : 1 Array

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Important Note :

This book is not actually completed. As the reaction is not completed due to some hate comments.


Author POV

"Let me ask you again - There is an executioner with parents, a wife children, but before he died, he executed more than one hundred people. He suddenly died in the public and, to punish him for his deeds, he was left on the streets for seven days. With the repressed energy of resentment, he started to hunt and kill. What should be done?"

This time, Wei wuxian didn't answered immediately. The others though that he was confused, and were all feeling restless.

"Why are you looking at him? Think about this as well. Don't open your books!" Scolded Lan qiren.

The disciples took their hands away from the books that they intended on quickly flipping through. They were confused as well - having died in the public and left on the streets for seven days, it was definitely a fierce ghost and a ferocious corpse, and therefore a question hard to solve. Everyone hoped that the old man Lan qiren seemed like he was thinking.

"Wangji, you can tell him what should be done." said Lan qiren again.

Lan wangji didn't look at Wei wuxian. He nodded to indicate respect and said in a monotonous voice, "First, liberate; second, suppress; third, eliminate. The initial approach is to utilize the gratitude of his relatives and grant his dying wish, set free what he could not let go of. If it fails, suppress it. If the crime's were extremely wrongful, and it's energy of resentment doesn't dissipate, exterminate it completely. The cultivation world should precisely keep to this order to measure. No errors should be allowed."

Everyone let out a long breath, thinking the heavens because Lan wangji was the one that old man selected. Else, if it was their turn, it would be hard to not to overlook a few steps or mix up the order.

Lan qiren nodded with satisfaction, "Not a single mistake was made." With a pause, he spoken again,"No matter in terms of cultivation or as a person, one needs to be as solid as this. If one becomes complacent and proud just because they defeated a few simple mountain beings in their home and hold some empty reputations, one would definitely bring disgrace upon themselves, sooner or later."

Wei wuxian raised his brows and took a look at the side of Lan wangji's. He thought , so, apparently this old man meant it for me. He called his best pupil to listen with us in order for me to watch.

"I have a question" said Wei wuxian.

"speak" replied Lan qiren.

Wei wuxian,"Although 'liberation' comes first, it's often impossible. 'To grant his dying wish' sounds simple - it would be easy, if the wish was a new piece of clothing, but what if the wish was to kill lots of people for revenge?"

Lan wangji, "Thus suppression assists liberation. If it is necessary, elimination would also follow."

Wei wuxian smiled and said,"Such a waste." He paused, and continued,"It would not that i don't know of this answer, I was only thinking of a fourth path."

"I have never heard of any fourth paths" exclaimed Lan qiren.

"Because the executioner died in such a way, it is only natural that he turned into a ferocious corpse. Since he executed more than one hundred people before he died, Why not dig up the graves of these people, arouse their energy of resentment, collect the heads of those hundred people, and use them to fight with the ferocious corpse..." Said Wei wuxian.

Lan wangji finally turned around to look at him. His brows were knit, still expressionless.

Lan qiren was so angered that his goatee was quivering. He shouted, "How dare you!"

Everyone in the room was stunned. Lan qiren sprang to his feet, "The essence of the exorcising demons and annihilating ghosts is to liberate! You don't study about the methods of liberation, and even think about increasing their energy of resentment! You reverse the natural order, and ignore ethics and morality!"

"There are some things that have no use after liberation, so why not find a way to make use of them? When You the great tamed the flood, obstruction was the inferior method, and redirection was the superior. Suppression is the same as obstruction, so isn't inferior..." replied Wei wuxian.

Lan qiren hurled a book towards him, but he flinched to the side and avoided it. Hii expression remained unchanged, and continued to talk nonsense,"Spritual is energy; resentful energy is energy as well. Spritual energy is stored in the dantian. It can be split mountains and fill Ocean's, available for humans use. If so, then why can't resentful energy also be used by humans?"

Another book come flying from Lan qiren. He said harshly, "Then, let me ask you again! How do you make sure that the resentful energy only listens to you and doesn't harm others?"

Wei wuxian ducked while he said,"I haven't thought of it yet!"

Lan qiren raged,"If you thought of it, the cultivation world will allow your existence! Get out!"

Wei wuxian couldn't be more glad, and happily started to take steps but suddenly the doors and the windows of Lanshi closed itself with a loud slammed sound. Most of the students starts getting panicked because of the insufficiency of lights.

Nei huaisang runs towards Wei wuxian in fear and said,"Wei gongzi please save me."

"This must be done by Young master Wei"  said a disciple from Lanling Jin.

Wei wuxian got irritated by pointless accuse, he was infront of them all, how could it be done by him? Now it's actually making him angry.

"How can you say like that?" exclaimed Wei wuxian.

Disciple replied,"If not you then who? You're just talking about resentment energy."

"Enough!" said Lan qiren.

Before Wei wuxian could say anything a light appears from ground. Everyone unsheathe their swords. Lan qiren signalled everyone, to stay back and don't move.

And probably after watching all the drama Nei huaisang passed out and fall into the Array, starling everyone. The Array got start, shining bright blue making everyone close their eyes.


I am not sure about if i should write it.
So , please share your thoughts, that I can decide. Bye Marshmallows have a good time.

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