Chapter 3 Run Away

Start from the beginning

*Everyone was amazed to see a survivor at the station*.

Lincoln: Are you okay?

???: Pain, so much pain... Please, you must help us...

Lincoln: Who are you?

Ron: My name is Ron, I work here. We all work here. I am an engineer at this facility.

Lincoln: What happened here?

Ron: Everything happened so fast. This monster came to the station and started killing everyone. It was green and had a chainsaw. But the worst of all is that he had no head, and he was still alive. I had never seen anything like that. It was horrifying.

*Everyone found the description of the monster curious*.

Lincoln: (Wait? He said green...headless...maybe it would be)

Ken Kaneki: Very soon they will know who the monster is.

Ron: Everyone started to lose control, I hid as best I could but he found me. He attacked me but I was able to escape, although I can barely move. I feel a lot of pain. They are all dead.

Lincoln: I'm so sorry...

Ron: Listen, you should contact the military and tell them what happened. You can send a danger signal from the secret center. Once they receive it, they will come and help

Ron: You may need a key card to enter the center.

Lincoln: Where do I get an access card?...

Ron: I think another staff member had a key card to the center on the other side of this door. Someone closed the door in an attempt to trap the monster inside. You can get to the other side by crawling through the vents next to you. That's how I got here. But be careful, that thing is still here.

Lincoln: I'll be back soon.

*Lincoln crawled through the ventilation until he reached the end of the ducts, but when he came out of the ventilation he heard something that scared him a lot*.

(chainsaw sounds)

Ron: No...Please no! AGGGGHHHHH!

*Lincoln hears how he is cut and his blood splashes on the metal walls*.

*Everyone was shocked by what happened. Issei had his eyes down and clenching his fists. Lincoln just looked at the screen regretting what happened*.

Lincoln: but how did he escape?

*Lincoln started to look for the card, he was searching for more than 11 minutes until the next thing he saw left him paralyzed, a flash of light blinded the albino and he appeared in front of him..*.

Lincoln: (shock) w-what the... laa laa.

Fluttershy: laa..laa... (she said in shock)

*Everyone couldn't believe it to see Laa Laa in front of Lincoln*.

*The same flash made disappearing laa laa*.

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