Chapter 13 Confronting the village

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3rd POV

A few days has passed since the rescue of Nathan and of His Ascension into a CPU god

Nathan can be seen deep in thought as he is sitting at the kitchen table in the cabin he built with Roman Winter and Neo along side the CPUs and Candidates

"Nathan are you alright?" Winter asks

No response is heard from Nathan as he is still thinking of something

"Nathan?" Roman says

Romans voice snaps Nathan out of his thoughts

"Huh?" Nathan says

"Are you alright you seem to be deep in thought lately since you become a CPU" Roman says to his best friend

"Sorry it's just I've been thinking of confronting my village of what they did to me" Nathan says

Suddenly the door opens to reveal the deities of gamindustri which Winter informs the group of what was just said a moment before they arrived

"Do you need our help Nathan?" Vert asks

"Most likely I will need help but I only wish to ask for the CPUs to help me with my task as I believe that the CPUs can confirm what I will say is true to those who banished me from my village back home" Nathan says

"When do you expect to leave for your former village?" Neptune asks

"I'll be heading there in a few seconds so if the 7 goddesses can ready themselves we can go ahead and go" Nathan says as he makes a call to Arthur

Neptune,Noire,Blanc,Vert,Plutia,Uzume,Rei all nod and wait for the portal to appear which after a few seconds has passed the portal appears beside Nathan

"Let's go" Nathan says as he waits for Neptune and the other goddesses to enter first before he enters the portal which closes behind him

"Mr L/N it's good to see you sir" Arthur says to his boss

"Good to see you too Arthur now I would like my personal aircraft ready for travel" Nathan says

"Yes sir and should I inform the pilot of the location you wish to go to? Also can I ask who the ladies with you are?" Arthur says

"I'll inform the pilot myself" Nathan says as he introduces Neptune and the other goddesses to Arthur

Nathan and the CPUs walk out of the building and to Nathan's personal aircraft which Nathan informs his personal pilot of the location

The pilot nods and starts the aircraft which Nathan sits in the co pilot seat as Neptune and the CPUs all sit in the back of the aircraft

After flying for a while the aircraft lands a bit away from a village which Nathan and the CPUs get off the aircraft

"Alright it's time" Nathan says as he takes a deep breath for what is to come

Vert places a hand on Nathan's shoulder ensuring that she is the other CPUs are there for him which Nathan nods

Nathan begins walking to the village with the CPUs following behind

As soon as Nathan reaches the village gates two guards prevent him from entering

"Halt you are not allowed here Nathan!" One of the guards shouts

"Move out of our way" Nathan calmly says to the guards

"We are not letting you through now get the hell away from here traitor!" The second guard shouts

Nathan looks behind him to Neptune and nods which Neptune looks to plutia and nods

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