Amalia: let's go to the entrance

Nero: yeah

They walk but can barley move

Nero feels his hair getting longer

Dally: I don't feel good my strength is leaving me

Elely walks forward and they notice her getting much older

Ruel tries walking but loses teeth and falls to the ground

Ruel: oh no I'm suddnely feeling a bit older than usual my friends

Nero: (ugh I may have a long life but even I feel like I'm slowing down)

Back with the Cras

Toxine: haha it's funn how the tables can turn so easily like how an arrogant mummy is somehow able to keep quiet when I promise her a nice long fall

Flopin is holding Eva up and Toxine is sitting on him to keep them both up cleome is seething with anger 

Eva: it'll be ok darling

Cleome: argh! Get off of her!

Toxine: I wouldn't do that if I was you or I might just give the little cra hear some shock treatment and make him drop his mummy

Cleome: Argh you bitch!

Toxine: "It'll be ok darling" if there was ever a time when he should be worried it's now alright little Cra it's time for the final challenge I'm going to stand up when I finish speaking if you let your mum go you will live but if you keep holding her hand you'll share her fate

Eva: Hey Cleo take care of them for me ok and flopin take care of your dad and your sister

Cleo: No that's not gonna happen!

Flopin: right I'll take care of you two mama

Toxine: bleh all this mushy stuff makes me feel sick So long-

Cleome kicks her right in the gut when she's distracted sending her flying

Flopin starts falling but Cleome jumps off, then grabs them and the ledge

Cleome: Heh gotcha!

Eva: Please flopin let go

Flopin: not gonna happen I'm half iop remember!

Cleome: Heh well said kid now let's get you two up there

Argh! Cleome with all her strength manages to get Eva back up to hand onto the ledge with flopin in tow

Cleome: well haha that was about all I had say goodbye to my rouge for me

Cleome let's go

Eva: CLEO!

Cleome gives her a peace sign

But then she gets caught by someone

Cleo: huh

It's winged harpy woman

He puts cleome down back into the Cell

Eva and flopin run over to hug her

Then the harpy woman beats the shit out of Toxine and she is thrown through a portal

Cleome: uhh thank you for saving me

Flopin: thank you for saving my aunty

Harpy: you are welcome, I'm sorry about what just happened you are my guests and I will not allow anybody to hurt you, Toxine has her uses but she won't be bothering you anymore

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