Oropo's tower

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Before we start this is Nero's new eye

Before we start this is Nero's new eye

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Cleome wakes up in a bed

Cleome: ugh Why does it feel like a train ran over me 'she remembers everything' Eva, Flopin

She gets up and starts looking around

She then hears a lot of talking

Cleome: they must be that way

Cleome bolts in that direction and find finds eva and flopin

Cleome: Eva, Flopin!

Flopin: Aunty!

Flopin runs and hugs his aunt

Eva: so they got you two huh

Cleo: yeah unfortunately so Flopin what's up with this place

Flopin: the bubbles heal you, our cell is open but there's no way down and walls are too slippery to get a grip in other words there's no hope of escape

Cleome: well that's just great!

Eva: yeah there's hope to escape at least for now

Cleo: yeah but we'll get out of here

Eva: right!

?: sure you will that is if I leave you enough time!

Flopin: Mum, aunty it's the crazy ladies voice the Sram who attacked us

Sram: Toxine!

Eva: don't let your guard won we are gonna-

The sram appears and shoves eva out of the cell

Cleome glares at the Sram ready for a fight

With the rest of them

Yugo: We are finally here!

Amalia: I don't understand I can't feel anything these planes aren't giving off any signs of life

Nero: we don't have time for that we've got some rescuing too do Like my strong willed archer

Dally: yeah and a pretty girl too

Elely: and an annoying brother too but most of all there's a fight too be had!

She rushes off

Nero: wait are you saying cleome is not pretty

Dally: Uhh no I just didn't want to risk you hitting me for calling your wife pretty

Nero: oh well that's fair enough

Yugo: Uhh Elely wait!

She stopped on something then a dome forms around them

Ruel: well it didn't take us very long to fall into a trap

Yugo: it's a temporal bubble so we need to love fast before they find us we are too vulnerable like this

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