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Then while at count harebourgs palace They visited by kerubin and Joris who are currently very cold

Kerubin: as you can see Yugo his little Idea was to put us in his collection of frozen heroes

Joris: we wanted to tell you about our mission but the king of bonta wanted it too be kept secret I'm sorry Yugo

Real gives them tea

Both: Ah thank you Ruel

Ruel: no problem guys

Yugo: but the sipho that took on your appearance why did he take Adamai? and what do they want with the eliatrope dofus?

Joris: no idea, we had to outdo three formidable opponents, but it seems someone more cunning is pulling the strings

Yugo: Adamai they've trapped him

Analia puts her hand on his shoulder

Analia: don't worry, yugo, we'll find out what's happening and anyway, you know how resourceful your brother is

Joris: and what did you do about Harebourg's ice cubes they're renowned to be indestructible

Eva: Show me dally

Cleome: come on Nero it's time to show off

Elely: Daddy and uncle gave them a mouthful

They both walk up too a big as ice cube and melt it by touching it and it reveals a Atcham

Joris: I think my mind is still a little bit frozen I just saw you do something impossible

Dally: iops don't know the meaning of impossible master Joris

Nero: same with demons we can destroy anything if we put our minds too it

Eva: well now, here you go

She puts a fur coat around atcham

Atcham: lend me your fur, Cherub before I die of cold

Atcham leans into Kerubin

Eva: what a strange family it's really quite rare

Dally: Haha that's true

Nero: although our family is pretty strange too

Cleome: especially if you include the rest of the brotherhood

Then dally starts acting weird

Dally: Oh master goultrard!, Ah that's unbelievable you're still alive what about your fight against rushu, but..but where are you, I should come and visit with Eva and the children I bet Nero and Cleo would love it too

The entire group is group is looking at him weird

Dally: uhh matser goultard is talking to me in my head he's conquered rushu and has become the master of the shukrute, master goultard they're all looking at me as I was the craziest iop, uhh I don't understand

Dally holds up Rubilax

Rubilax: Goultard how are you old chap

Dally: too tell me what

Rubilax: uhh don't you think it's too early I'm not sure he's ready

Dally: ready for what?

Apparently he's been having strange dreams it's has if they where someone else's memories

Rubilax coughs: Ahem, okay, very well. When you're ready can I Jane your attention please you'll need to hold on too the seat of my pants at what I'm about to reveal I, together with goultard have hidden something from you, nothing too serious just a small thing, Percidal is not who you think he is
Dally is actually

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