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The pair continued to wonder around the floating island, still trying to figure out how to get back.

"Y'know we could always steal a-"

"Jim! For the last time we're not going to steal a boat."

He rolled his eyes. "It was just a joke."

Now is not the time for jokes, we have to think on how to get back to the space port, but I know that's probably impossible for you because-"

Jim had stopped listening at this point because just then he saw a familiar looked robot arm. He leaned over to get a better look and immediately recognized his old friend.

"Jim!" Kate snapped him back to reality. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, that's really cool."

She crossed her arms.

"Or...sorry about whatever happened. But listen, I think I found our way out."


Silver was standing in front of a gunsmith, deciding on which one to get. "Do I want the BL-127 or the SE-138..."

"How about a visit from a friend?" Jim asked.

"Jimbo?" The old pirate spun around. "Jimbo! It is you! How ya been, lad?"

"Great! I got into the Royal Navy academy."

"Did ya now? I knew you had greatness in ya!" He punched his arm playfully. "Oh! And who's this lovely lady?" He gestured to Kate. "Got yerfelf a girlfriend?"

Both immediately blushed as Jim intervened. "No. Nononono. She's just a friend, we both got stuck here after Ironbeard-"

"Shh!" Silver interrupted him. "Do not speak his name in public." He said in a low voice. "Come with me."

I'll continue this later, I just uploaded it so u know I didn't forget this fanfic

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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