The Academy

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Hello, I'm Jim Hawkins you know, the guy who nearly failed school, was constantly in trouble, got the map to the fabled Treasure Planet which turned out to be true. Nearly died, and saved everybody. Yeah, I'm him. But all that was three years ago. Now, I'm enrolled at the Interstellar Academy which the retired captain of the R.L.S Legacy is President of, and I'd say I'm doing pretty well. Im now top of the class, along with this other girl, Kate what's her face. But, that doesn't mean I've lost my rebellious streak....

An older Jim Hawkins sneaks out of the building and heads towards the docks, carefully avoiding other students passing by. Once there, he lifts up a blanket revealing his old solar surfer.

"Yeah baby." He mutters, turning it on.

He takes off, laughing at the feeling of the wind in his hair, he missed the feeling of adventure and feeling the adrenaline pump in his veins, this cured it.

"WOOOHOOOOOO!" He shouts, doing several loops.

On the docks, a girl with bright orange hair tied back into a tight bun, and a lion-like face watches him, rolling her eyes at his antics.

"You've got to be kidding me." She mutters as he cuts it close flying through several flag poles, then lands right in front of her.

"That...was amazing!" He exclaims, putting the tarp back over his surfer.

"Oh, sure." Kate replies sarcastically. "Bet it won't be in about five minutes."

"I didn't ask for your opinion." Jim says with an eye roll.

"We'll I'm giving it to you anyway." She crossed her arms. "Because Mrs. Doppler saw the whole thing."

"Pfft no she didn't-"

He was interrupted by a voice calling him. "Mr. Hawkins! I'd like a word with you!"

He flinches, looking towards the balcony where the captain of the Legacy from three years ago was calling his name.

"Told you." Kate says with a smirk.


Jim is now sitting in the principal's office, Amelia facing him.

"Do you know why your here, Mr. Hawkins?" She asks.

"Flying a solar surfer on school property." He replied in monotone, this wasn't the first time he'd done this.

"Right again." Amelia replies. "Jim, this is the 4th time this year-"

"5th." Jim interrupts.

"Right, thank you. This is the 5th time this year. You can't keep doing this."

Jim remains silent, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Amelia sighs, thinking of the right words to say.

"Mr. Hawkins, you are the top of your class, your all A's. Your supposed to-"

"Set a good example, I know." Jim interrupts. "It's just- sometimes I just want to feel the rush of adrenaline again. You know?"

Amelia sighs, smiling slightly. "Believe me, I know. But after becoming a mother, I decided to pick a safer job, for they're sake. But yes I have to agree, I do miss that adrenaline." She pauses a moment. "I know a good race track not far from here."



Jim exits the office with a big smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling?" A familiar voice asks. "You just saw the principal for breaking school rules-"

"I know." Jim replies. "Luckily I just so happen to be great friends with her."

Kate blinks. "How-" But she's interrupted with several people running past them.

"Hey, what's going on?" Jim asks one of them.

"They've posted the two that are going on the Centurion tomorrow!" He replies, then catches up with the other students.

The Centurion is Delbert's latest creation and is rumored to now be the fastest ship in the galaxy.

Jim looks at Kate. "Race ya!" He takes off, Kate not far behind.

When they're almost there, Jim trips, accidentally bumping into several other students.

"Watch it!"


"Sorry." Jim mumbles as Kate catches up.

"Yeah, don't mind him, he's normally a clumsy oaf." She comments.


"We'll it's true!"

Jim glares at her for a moment, then turns to read the board.

Him and Kate both won.



Jim arrives back home at the Inn to find his mom and her boyfriend, Oscar laughing. He was quite happy that his mom had found Oscar and that he made her happy, and Oscar was a great guy, but he just wished it was someone else, someone that felt like more of a father to him....

"I'm home!" Jim called.

"Oh hi Jim! How was school?" His mom asked.

"Pretty good." He replied, snagging a purp from a bowl on the table.

"So who gets to go on the Centurion?" Oscar asked.

"Me and Miss Know-it-all." Jim said, taking a bite of the purp.

"Jim, I know how you feel about her, but at least try to get along with her tomorrow." His mom said, putting her hands on her hips.

"I will if she does." He mumbled.

Aaaand that's it for chapter one! How was it?



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