Chapter 29

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Aizawa walked behind the anxious teenager, itching to say something to calm the boy's nerves. Izuku had been asking about his mother, Inko Midoriya, ever since he had joined the rehabilitation system and so, Aizawa gave in.

Right now, they were walking to the apartment building where she currently lived, or so it said on the records anyway. Aizawa had allowed Izuku to visit his mother under the condition that he had to have a pro-hero with him at all times when he's outside of U.A.

Izuku was nervous. That much was obvious. He was worried, wondering if Inko would still accept him despite the path he decided to follow. He wondered if Inko would still want him, still love him for All Might's sake.

A part of him told him that Inko wouldn't. That she would slam the door in his face and never want to see or hear from him again.

A hand placed itself on his shoulder. "You okay there, kid?"

"Mhm.." Izuku replied, not wanting to meet his teacher's eyes.

They reached the apartment building. "Which building is it, kid?"

Izuku looked up. "Number two.. apartment eighteen."

They stood in front of his apartment. Inko's apartment. Apartment eighteen.

Izuku raised his hand to the door, hesitating before knocking loudly.





No answer.





No answer.

Izuku raised his hand again, but Aizawa held his arm, preventing him from knocking again.

"What?" he asked, confusion written on his face.

He looked at Aizawa, seeing him glancing at something behind him. He could see worry and concern painted on his face, so naturally, Izuku turned his head to glance at whatever Aizawa was looking at.

It was a sign, more like a note. A piece of paper nailed to the wall right next to the door.


Attached was a phone number, but it wasn't any random number. No, Izuku recognized it all too well.

It was Mitsuki's phone number.

"Izuku, are you alright?" Aizawa questioned the boy. "What does that phone number mean? Do you recognize it?"

"Can.. can I just have your phone.. please?" Izuku whispered out.

Shota nodded, pulling his phone out to give to the boy. He gave Midoriya the device, surprised by how fast he started typing in the number.

He brought the phone to his ear, anxiously biting his fingernails as he waited for the other line to pick up.

After a few seconds, a sweet voice answered the phone. "Hello?"

"A-Auntie Mitsuki?" Izuku questioned.

"Yes. Sweetie, why are you calling me? Where've you been?"

He stumbled over his words. "U-um.. I--.." he didn't want to lie to her. Hesitantly, he took a deep breath. "All For One took me in during middle school, tell-telling me he could make my life better by giving me a q-quirk. I-I'm in rehab at U.A now, I'm trying to be better I promise."

He said the last sentence with a sort of desperation, but it was understandable. He was scared he'd lost Inko, so he didn't want to risk losing Mitsuki as well.

"Um.. where.. where's mum?" he asked anxiously.

"Oh, sweetie.. I'm sorry to tell you but she moved in with Hisashi in America five, maybe six months ago."

She.. left me?

"W-why?" his voice broke, as he held back his tears.

"She couldn't handle your sudden disappearance, so she decided to move away to avoid reminders. Hisashi suggested she live with him, so she moved away and sold the apartment."

He dropped the phone, the tears finally escaping his eyes.

"Izuku? Hello?"

It's all my fault.


I made her move away.


I always cause trouble.


Kacchan was right.


I should've taken that swan dive.


Then maybe mum wouldn't have--


Someone shook him. He blinked a couple times, before making eye contact with Aizawa. He seemed concerned as he held the boy's hands.

"Izuku, are you alright?" he asked, eyes searching the greenette's. "You were crying and not responding to me after that phone call."

"I-It's all my fau-fault.." Izuku choked on a sob, "sh-she moved awa-away all because of m-me."

Shota brought him into a hug, rubbing circles on his back as he spoke. "It's not and never will be your fault things happen. This was all out of your control. You need to stop blaming yourself, kid."

Tears dampened his clothes as Izuku spoke, words muffled by clothing. "I alre-already thought she wouldn't acc-accept a villain." he explained. "I-I should've expec-expected this.."

Shota rubbed circles on his back. "Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault, alright?"

Izuku nodded, burying his head in his scarf as he cried.

Shota walked with the boy to Shigaraki's room, accompanying him as he requested. After that emotional breakdown, they had walked back to U.A in silence, no one bothering to say a word.

Honestly, Aizawa sympathized for the kid. He'd been turned down and lost so many people in his life that Shota wasn't surprised he'd turned to the villain path. Anyone would after that rollercoaster he'd lived through.

Though, Shota wondered if he and Hizashi should try that thing they talked about now.

No, he'd have to wait.

They reached Tomura's room. Izuku waved goodbye to Aizawa before slipping into the room, dried tear stains visible on his cheeks.

He climbed onto the bed, sitting on the end as he stared into space. He just needed to be near someone. If he was alone, he wasn't sure if he'd be alright anymore.

Tomura woke up, seeing the small figure sitting on the end of his bed.

"Hey, Zuku." he greeted, sitting up properly. "What's wrong? Why are you here?"

Izuku turned his head towards him. The blue-headed male could see the red rims under his eyes, the dried tear stains on his cheeks. His gaze softened at the sight.

The greenette jumped up towards him, gripping his shirt as he buried his head into Tomura's chest. The older male could feel his clothes dampen as he heard the small, almost inaudible sobs of his younger brother.

"Hey.. what happened?" he asked as he began to rub circles on his back.

"M-mum.." he whispered out, tears escaping his eyes.

Tomura nodded, wrapping his arms around the greenette. Soon, Izuku fell asleep, presumably from crying or pure exhaustion. Shigaraki ruffled his hair as he leaned back, head resting against the wall as he closed his eyes, still holding his younger brother.

What happened to you, Izuku?

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