Chapter 21

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Izuku nervously stood outside the classroom, awaiting Aizawa's return. He was supposed to join Class 1-A properly today, 'to form a proper bond', they said. Yeah right. That class hated him with every fiber in their beings. They practically wanted him dead.

Honestly though, he was nervous. He had fought that class on two different occasions and he was not hoping to 'meet' them so soon. He was scared that everything would end up like it did before. No friends, no help, no hope.

No, he couldn't be thinking like that. Tomura had even said so. He needed to start thinking more positively, look on the bright side of things. But, yet, he couldn't help but think that this could all go terribly wrong.

No! Tomura and Kurogiri had been helping him with this over the last few months. Just, think positively.

He hugged the hoodie tighter to his chest, needing that reassurance that everything would be okay. He had yet to ask Aizawa if he could wear the clothing in the classroom as it was technically part of his outfit back at the training camp attack and could cause his 'classmates' to freak out. By that, he means they'd either be scared out of their wits or try to attack him all at once.

Honestly, he did not need that drama right now.

The door opened, making him jump a little as he was knocked out of his thoughts. Aizawa stood there, wearing an expression that directly translated to 'I need a raise'. He closed the door behind him, standing in front of the boy.

"I've told your classmates that a new student will be joining us. I haven't mentioned that it is you yet, as you asked." He told him, scanning the child's face. There was no sign of negativity as Izuku nodded compliantly, so Shota continued, "Shall we go in?" He smiled warmly at him, trying to make an effort. He had caused the greenette to have a panic attack last night. This was the least he could do.

Midoriya fidgeted with the hems of his sleeve, "Um.. Mr Ai-Aizawa?" He stuttered out, looking up hesitantly.

"Hm?" He stopped right in front of the door, hand gripping the doorknob.

"Can.. can I wear Tomu's hoodie? In class, I mean." He asked, finding it more comfortable to use his brother's nickname. It made him feel like he was still here somehow.

Shota nodded, "I can tell it's special to you." He ruffled the greenette's hair, "Now, shall we go in?"

Izuku slipped the hoodie on before nodding. He was ready. He could do this. He would do this. It would be absolutely fine.

He entered the classroom after his teacher, seeing more people than expected. Of course, it was a classroom, so there was going to be a large amount of people. But, he was still surprised by how many there were.

Although, he now regretted entering the classroom. Everyone was staring at him. Everyone's eyes were on him, watching him as he moved. Everyone.

"Sir," A boy stood up, pushing his glasses up, "If I may, why is there a villain here?"

Shota sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance, "Principal Nezu wanted to try out a new system. The Villain Rehabilitation System. It's where we try to convert villains to heroes, specifically if they're minors or we think they deserve a chance of some sort. Deku happens to be our first member."

"But, sir!" The boy with sharp teeth from the U.S.J attack put his hand up, "Isn't there a chance he could attack us?"

"Yeah! How do you know he won't try and plan something big?" A girl with earphone jacks attached to her ears asked.

Aizawa waved his hand up and down, "Quiet down, class!" He stared at them, "We've already interrogated him with the help of Detective Tsukauchi as well as putting quirk-cancelling wristbands on him. He's harmless." He turned to his left, "Deku, why don't you go and sit down? Your seat is behind Bakugou, the blonde boy."

Izuku nodded, still feeling everyone's eyes trailing him as he walked to his assigned seat. Sitting down, he snuggled into the hoodie as his eyes wandered around the classroom. He could see his 'classmates' staring at him with a sort of disgusted look, some with hatred or fear.

He deserved that though.. right?

He had attacked their training camp.

He had caused them to have to get dorm rooms.

He had caused them so much pain.

And it was all his fault.

He shook away the intruding thoughts, despite believing everything they said. He pulled the sleeve of the hoodie closer to his face, resting his head on his hand.

He couldn't remember much from last night. All he really remembered was Aizawa walking into the room and sitting down on his bed. The rest was pretty much a blur.

It was annoying. Normally, he'd have a pretty good memory. He used to remember special hero moves from specific pages in his notebook, for All Might's sake. Like that one time he'd remembered Kamui Woods's 'Lacquered Chain Prison!' on the way to school when he'd witnessed a villain attack at the train station.

"Deku!" He jumped, looking up to meet Aizawa's cold eyes, "What's the answer to question five?"

Class was a hive for stress, in Izuku's opinion. He couldn't concentrate the whole time, just feeling everyone's eyes on him made his anxiety peak. He knew why they were staring at him. He knew they were staring at a villain.

That title.. it hurt but he knew.

He knew he deserved it.

He stood up from his seat, legs scraping against the floor as he tucked his chair in. He didn't have a bag, so technically, he could leave now and be the first one out of this intoxicating classroom. But, he wanted to be alone here. Think about things properly. Like, his situation with the league.

And, anyway, he feared people would look at him the same as his 'classmates' did if he left. So, he leaned against the window, zoning out for a second before getting rudely interrupted.

A blonde stood in front of him, crimson eyes staring into his own, "Can we.. talk?"

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