Day 5

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I locked my door behind me. Today, I am heading over to Hyunjin's place. We plan to catch up and he is most definitely gonna try and convince me to join Art University with him. Although, the answer will remain the same.

I made eye contact with Y/n and her brother who seemed to be getting back from somewhere. Her brother was carrying two bags as Y/n offered to help but he insisted he didn't.

"Hi Beomgyu!" She excitedly waved at me. She seemed a lot better than yesterday. But I don't recall her telling me she was going anywhere.

"Beomgyu? Who is he?" Her brother asked with a smile, turning to me curious.

"This is my friend Beomgyu. I met him not to long ago. He also was going to attend the University I was going to." She introduced me.

"I'm Choi Beomgyu, nice to meet you." I respectfully introduced myself with a gentle smile.

"Nice to meet you Choi Beomgyu, I best go put our bags away." He walked up the stairs leaving me with Y/n.

"Y/n, where were you two? I don't mean to evade your personal space or anything it's just, I don't remember you telling me that you two were gonna stay some where." I fiddled with the bottom of my sleeve.

Please don't get mad Y/n.

"Huh? Oh sorry, we stayed at our cousins house last night. I got to see lots of my family." Her eyes, they seemed to be filled with sadness as if she didn't like to recall what happened last night.

"That's nice. I hope you enjoyed your stay." I cheerfully stated with a smile, still not fully convinced.

"It was super fun! By the way, where were you heading?" She rocked back and forth on her heels. A cute habit she has that I absolutely adore.

"I was heading to the University to see Hyunjin, remember? The one I told you about?" I asked. Her eyes widened with a huge smile.

"Woah really? Do you mind if I come? I would love to see it all again, the art, the people, the beauty. Maybe I could meet Hyunjin?" She continued to rock back and forth, slightly tilting her head. She clearly wanted to meet him but seemed a bit hesitant.

How could I say no?

"Sure! He would be glad to meet you and I haven't told him about you yet. Make sure to check in with your brother." I reminded her. Last thing I need is for him to scold me or something along those lines.

"Oh right. Follow me." I walked beside her as we made our way to her door.

She opened it and the apartment was clean and neat. There was a couple pill containers on their coffee table but I couldn't read them due to the distance.

I'm glad I couldn't read them though, I'm not one to judge and my opinion shouldn't matter on what they have in their home or perhaps taking. It's also a bit creepy to be nosey and peek inside some peoples homes.

"Hey! Do you mind if I go with Beomgyu to the University? I want to go back and visit." Her brother stood in the kitchen, in thought for a while. I got anxious and felt my palms become sweaty as the nervousness took over my body.

"Yeah just for a little bit. Make sure to come back before dark and inform Beomgyu when-"

"BYE!! LOVE YOU!" She frantically shut the door before he could finish his sentence. She took a deep breath before motioning down the stairs. "Shall we?" I smiled at her and we made our way towards the University.

To be honest, I feel so attached to her as if I have known her forever. I know she has been acting different ever since we met. From the day we met, each day, for the past five days, she has slowly changed in some type of way. It's not a bad change cause if it was, I wouldn't still be interested in her. It's just different.

Ten daysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora