Day 4

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"I feel like it's been forever since I've last seen you." Yeonjun dramatically laid his arm across his eyes as he rested his head back on the couch.

"It's only been less then a week since I last you." I sighed while rolling my eyes playfully.

"What have you been doing these past days? You really worry me." Soobin commented scrunching his face in discomfort. What is up with these four?

"Why do I worry you? I'm completely capable of taking care of myself without help." I huffed as I plopped down next to Yeonjun.

"Because for one, your trash is thrown and your house is straightened up, it's a miracle. You also are an introvert when not with us and you are so quiet, we are pretty much the the only people you talk to beside Hyunjin." Kai admitted as he ate his cut up apples Soobin cut for him. He is such a child for his age, it's kinda cute. It only fits him, if it was any other person acting like him, I would be disgusted and disappointed.

But the four were right, I'm an extremely closed person, keeping to myself and these four I met on my journey in life. They have always been here for me and are the only people that have seen the actual Choi Beomgyu. I may be shy when around a group of people I have never met and may even seem rude cause of how quiet I am, but I'm really a fun person. I'm just to scared and insecure to show it.

"He has a point, you seem more awake and lively. It's a change, did you perhaps meet someone?" Taehyun asked arching his eyebrow.

Y/n, she is the only person I have met in these past days I have spent without them. I still replay the memory of meeting her in the rain as if it's on replay. I still can't believe I made a new friend beside the four, a girl to be exact. She's odd in a interesting way, I have grown fond of her and want to learn more.

"He's smiling!" Yeonjun teased poking my cheek. All of them laughed and quickly ran over to me, forming a big circle. Kai left the table with his plate of apples also joining the circle.

"Please tell us!" Soobin begged. I sighed, mentally preparing myself for the teasing.

"I met this girl-"

The whole apartment was filled with synchronized gasps from them.

"A girl? Is she pretty? Hot? Or is she-"

"Enough Yeonjun, you're making him uncomfortable. What the girl looks like shouldn't matter to you." Soobin cut him off trying to usher me to continue.

"Well I met her in the rain. She dropped her bag and was dancing in the rain. When I brought it to her, she told me the reason she loved rain and we ended up exchanging names. I met her again the next day finding her phone on the floor in the park. She thanked me for finding it and treated me to a meal for finding her belongings. I ended up finding out she lives on the second floor." I used my index finger to point up at the roof. "We met again yesterday, we have been talking and she gave me her number yesterday. It's nothing serious and we barely have a label as 'friends' so please don't make a big deal out of it." I begged.

Yeonjun shook his head in disagreement. "No, this is a big deal. You've made another friend. I couldn't be more pleased and happy for you. Who knows, you might even fall in-"

"No, I'm not gonna fall in love. You already know how I feel about that word." I was quick to deny his scenario.

"Beomgyu, we understand and we are more than pleased to know you are even talking to anyone besides us. It brings comfort knowing someone is able to be here when I or one of us isn't here. But, you can't be alone for the rest of your life, this could be your only chance. Beomgyu, you don't have all the time in the world to choose when you want to fall in love or accept you may eventually fall in love. The last thing we need is for you to regret something." Taehyun rubbed my back to comfort me.

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