Part 1: Tf is my life

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Suns Pov

its been a few weeks since Eclipse made everyone hate us and things have been weirdly... normal? no one has died, nothing has blown up, and eveyone just kind of avoids us which they did already so other then Moon losing his memorys, Lunar being gone, and Earth being here nothing has really happened.

I'm stacking the barrels when Moon calls down from our rooms

"hey so uh the cumputer says Eclipse is coming into the daycare soon but I'm uh stuck trying to fix it so you'll have to deal with him!" 

"wtf? you know I can't deal with him!"

"I literaly can't move right now Sun! and I don't want Earth near him so you have to deal with him!"

oh my god... wtf am I gonna do?! I can't deal with Eclipse! he was in my head! he knows how to mess with me so I can't do anything against him! oh lord what am I gonna do? 

"oh my if it isn't Sunny?" I shudder and turn around

"hi Eclipse what do you want?"

"you~" I'm confused for a second until he teleports me away, I try to scream but he covers my mouth and sudenly in a... mansion?

Eclipses Pov

I'm not sure why I took Sun... I only ment to come there and bug them but when I saw Sun standing there by himself without Moon or Kc or Earth or anyone I knew this was my only chance. so I grabbed him and teleported him to my base... which I'm now realizing is a mansion...shit

"where the Fuck are we Eclipse?!" he starts hyperventilating so I pick him up and take him to the room I made for him "answer me! where are we?! why did you take me?!"

"shhh darling you need to rest, teleporting like that can take a lot out of you if you're not used to it" I lay him on the bed and kiss the top of his head "just sleep I'll exsplane when you wake up"

"ok..." he looks so damn cute when he's tired! no bad Eclipse your suppsed to hate him not like him! but if you hate him why did you make his dream room? I need to go to sleep

"goodnight love" I say before walking out. I pause to turn the light off and I hear him mumble angrly

"why are you calling me pet names?" right even if I did like him he hates me. I sigh and go to bed

Sun Pov (next day)

I'm still confused on why he hasn't killed me yet... and why he seems so nice? last night he was calling me Darling and Love when we both hate each other! well maybe I don't hate him but her sure as heck hates me! I don't even know anymore... I always wondered what we could be if maybe he didn't try to kill us but no Moon would kill me if I ever... well Moon isn't her right now...

"oh good your up!" I turn to see Eclipse standing in my doorway "I made breakfast"

"first please tell me why you took me, and where even are we?!" I plead. he gets a funny look and smirks

"I will if you give me something first"

"what do you want from me?! you already have the star!"

"a kiss, if you kiss me I'll answer one of you one of your questions" what?... 

"are you kidding? why on earth would you say that!?"

"do you want me to answer one of you questions or do you want me to leave?" I roll my eyes and he grins. 

"fine" he grabs my waist and presses his mouth to mine. I keep back for a second but then melt into the kiss. we stay like that for awhile until he breaks the kiss.

"now for my end of the deal" I'm confused for a second before I remeber there was a reson I agreed to kiss him

Eclipses Pov

god... he's a good kisser. 

"now for my end of the deal" he looks confused for a second then seems to remeber

"you are in my mansion love and as for why I took you... I'm not sure I should be telling you that love" he looks slightly grumpy at the pet name and I smirk to myself... the one problem is that I'm still not sure why I took him it just felt...right. I've maybe been kinda liking him since I got out of his head and he didn't seem to mind the kiss... but then again Moon Earth and Kc would kill me if they found out. "we should go eat breakfast now" I tell him and he nods and follows me to the kitchen 

"so how have you been since I last saw you?"

"you mean since you made everyone hate us?"

"that might have been a bit to far... I've been thinking about reversing that but I'm not sure if you deserve it with you acting like that~" he looks shocked for a second then looks me in the eye and asks 

"well then how would you like me to act? want me to call you love or dear? Ooo what about daddy? is this what you want? for me to pretend to like you to turn Moon agenst me?" he asks angrily

"dea-Sun I'm sorry I was just teasing in fact I um already used the star and fixed it... I'm sorry" 

"Oh... well thanks I guess I did over react a little heh"

"stop it! you always blame it all on yourself and you need to stop! you didn't even do anything that wrong! I was over stepping and acting like an ass" he just stands there staring at me... fuck... I've blown any microscopic chance I had with him "I'm sorry for yelling at you Sun... I'll send you home in a little, eat breakfast and then come find me when your ready to leave" I turn crying and run to my room

Suns Pov

after all that Eclipse runs out of the room crying?

"Eclipse wait!" I call and race after him 

"what? do you need anything Sun?" he's clearly trying not to cry in front of me but the tear stains are still fresh

"I don't need anything but... do you?" he stands there for a second then collapses into me hugging me tightly while crying "shhh its gonna be ok Eclipse" he keeps crying and I rub his back trying to sooth him. after awhile he pushes away, stopping crying


"why what?"

"why are you so kind to me? I've been nothing but a jerk to you"

"um...*sigh* its because I like you Eclipse, and when your not trying to turment us you've been... really nice, so yea I may have a small crush on you. if this weirds you out or anything thats ok just send me back or lock me up or whatever but I needed to tell you" well thats out of the way I guess.

he opens his mouth to speak and I wince expecting him to be disgusted but instead he says

"oh Sunny" and kisses me again. and a real kiss this time not a weird transactunal kiss but a real kiss between two people who like each other

Moons Pov


is loving you a sin? (Sun x Eclipse)Where stories live. Discover now