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CHAPTER 16- Freakum Dress

I followed Bianca through a crowd of people to my brother. Jamie and Jaliyah were taking shots and B wanted to join them. I didn't feel like drinking since I really missed Fanum.

"I think I'm just going to chill tonight. Where's a bedroom I can go in?"

"You're no fun, but there's one upstairs first door to your right." Jamie said, rolling his eyes. I ignored him and went to the bedroom to be alone. I walked into the bathroom and took some mirror picks to post on Instagram. Not even an hour after I posted them, tell me why Fanum gon call me all mad.

"Delina." he said in a firm tone. He never calls me by my first name. Ever.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Yo who the fuck is you dressed up for? Whose house you in?"

"I'm dressed up for myself, the fuck? I'm at Jamie's house, you have my 'lo. Why you calling me all pressed?"

"I'm not fucking pressed. I'm worried about you-"

"I know like hell you not. You just now getting worried, but you went across the damn country without saying bye to me."

"That's different."

"How the fuck is it different? Please, educate me."

"Lina, I-"

"You... what? Stop playing on my phone Roberto." I said hanging up. I know good and well he didn't call me about my outfit, when he literally left without even saying bye. He got me mad and heated for no reason.

He tried calling me 6 times, but I didn't answer any of them. I don't need him trying to call my name and act like he didn't lose his damn mind.

Did it hurt to be ignored by him? Of course it did. But he can't pick and choose when he wants to talk to me and when he doesn't. If he has a problem with that, he can come to me maturely and not pridefully.

He called me AGAIN and I gave in and finally answered.

"You went to a party without telling me and now you're uploading pics looking all sexy while I've been missing you like crazy?"

"Don't do that. Don't turn this around. YOU left and flew across the country without saying a word, and then I text and call you repeatedly. You don't answer your phone and now you want to call me when I get a small bit of confidence?" I said, standing my ground.

"Why you talking crazy? I needed to make money, and I came here for a few days. It's not like I planned to leave you like this. I needed that and that's it. You shouldn't be looking for attention from other guys."

"I'm not looking! I'm not even getting attention from guys. This party is filled with girls, I don't get why you're so persistent that I'm not being loyal. You have my location, you know I'm loyal, and I didn't go across the country without saying bye."

"You don't understand, I know you're not doing anything but it's still weird, it's giving me a bad vibe." He sighed.

"Fine, I'll go home if that's what you want. I'll stop having fun, and bail on my brother and best friend, just for you." I said sarcastically.

"Wait, look, Lina." He said after staying silent for a second, realizing that he'd went too far with his frustration.

"No, no, it's fine. I'm leaving right now." I said, trying to make him feel bad even though I was leaving because I wasn't having any fun.

The second I got in the car, I turned off my camera and muted myself on facetime, to cry in peace. These damn mood swings were whooping my ass today. I cleaned my face and it looked like I didn't cry at all. I unmuted myself and turned my camera back on.

"Sorry, I drove through a tunnel" I lied.


The second she said "No, no, it's fine" I know she's actually super upset, I hate that I'm hurting her but I also know my feelings are valid. I can tell that she's struggling to stay composed.

"I'm sorry mamas, I shouldn't have went off on you like that. I'm just worried. Do you want me to fly back home? I can do it right now." I said, about to book a flight.

"No, it's really fine. I promise it's ok. Stay there and I'll just wait for you", she said.

I noticed her voice still sounds a little shaky so I'm really feeling guiltier by the second.

"Are you okay? You don't seem like you feel okay. Can I just fly back home? Please just be honest with me, do you really feel okay with me staying in California? If you're even a little bit sad I need to be there." I said, trying to sound as sincere as I could.

"No, Fanum. Stay there and enjoy Cali. I'll be perfectly fine."

I get silent again, thinking about this. I want to stay and make the money, but I also don't want her to be upset. I hate seeing her cry or be upset in any way so I immediately change my answer.

"No. I'm going to buy a ticket right now." I stated.

"Ok then. Let me know when you're flying back." She said, I could see her eyes light up.

"I'm coming home tomorrow at 2pm. No more crying, no more fighting, just love aight?" I said with a small smile.

Her smile brightens and she nods in agreement.

"Call me when you land, I'll send somebody to get you." she said.

"I will."

There is another silence on the line and I break it by saying, "I love you."

"I love you too, so much." She said, smiling like crazy and hanging up.

I begin to pre-pack my stuff and Kai calls me. I answer and he looks really stressed for some reason.

"Yo, what's good Kai?"

"I think Bia is cheating on me."

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