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I woke up to an empty bed. Fanum was nowhere to be found. I also woke up to my flow starting. Day one of my period has arrived, my man is gone, and I still got shit to do. Fanum called me and I answered in hopes of an explanation.

"Goodmorning mi am-" He started before I interrupted him.

"Don't do that. Why aren't you here nigga?"

"Damn, ok. I gotta fly out to Cali last minute."

"What? Why?"

"I got some brand deals and interviews, just found out this morning so I'm at the house packing. Can you come over?"

"You sure?"

"Hell yeah, text me when you outside mama." He said hanging up. I got dressed and headed over to the AMP house. I hate that he couldn't' tell me sooner, but whatever.

I texted him that I was here and 2 minutes later, Kai opened the door.

"Wsg my nigga." I said dapping him up.

"Wsgggg. Yo, Fanum's on stream so you can just go up there and shit."

"Bet, preciate you." I said walking to Fanum's room. I opened the door, and he was playing GTA.

"Holaaaa" I said as I walked up behind him and put my arms around his neck, but he pushed me off.

"Hey." He said bleakly.

"What's wrong." I scrunched up my face. No response. This man has GOT to be playing with me. He said I could come over and then he ignores me. I'm already emotional because of my period.

"Fanum." I said as an attempt to get his attention. Still no response.

"Roberto, si no me miras en 5 segundos me voy (if you don't look at me in 5 seconds, I'm leaving)"

"Aight damn." He said popping his neck.

"If you didn't want me here, then why did you ask?" I asked. NO RESPONSE. I just turned around and laid on his bed. I watched some videos and shit until my cramps got bad.

"Fanum." I called. No response.

"Fanum can you please come over here." I asked. No response.

"Fanum, por favor." I whined. He rolled his eyes and walked over to me.

"What you need?" He asked, sounding annoyed.

"My cramps are really bad, can you please get off?"

"Aight bruh, give me 10 mins." He said turning around and going right back to playing. During the 10 mins, my cramps just got worse, like on the verge of crying. I gave him 30 mins to finish whatever he has to do, but I'm really hurting right now, and I want comforting.

"Fanum please hurry up." I said.

"Aight bruh." He said, clearly not listening. I continued to wait for 20 more minutes, but I just can't. After calling his name once more with no response, I got up. The second I took the first step, I winced in pain and put my hand on my stomach. I proceeded to leave Fanum's room and went to Dukes. Luckily, he was home.

"What's wrong Na-na?" He asked, sounding concerned and turning away from his stream.

"I just started my cycle and Fanum is ignoring me." I said, stopping myself from crying.

"Damn, well I got some snacks here." He said getting out of his chair to show me the bag of snacks he had.

"Thank you so fucking much, you have no idea." I spoke.

"For sure, you can sit on my bed if you want."

"Thanks." I smiled walking over to his bed and sitting. I ate my snacks and started feeling better. I took a nap and when I woke up, I was in Fanum's bed. ALONE. AGAIN.

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