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CHAPTER ELEVEN- This ain't beat a bitch, but I will for mine.

A million things were running through my head and sense wasn't one of them. I walked over there and threw her hand off of Fanum's shoulder. 

"Oh, what's good side chick." She teased. This bitch about to get it.

"Say that again, I dare you." I spoke. 

"Side- chick." she said getting all up in my face.

"You about to catch the side piece on my damn hands, keep playing."

"Bitch bye." She said throwing the first punch into my nose, making it bleed. I punched her in return and really put my back into it, leaving a bruise. 

She scratched my arms and legs as her only defense, making me bleed even more. I ignored the pain and snatched her wig off. She tried to grab my hair, but unlike hers, it's all natural. Fanum pulled me off her, and a security guard came and got the girl who was on the floor crying like a fucking child.

"I'LL RIDE FOR MINE, DON'T FUCKING PLAY WITH IT BITCH." I yelled walking out. I don't know why the fuck this nice ass restaurant hired that nasty, retarded, sped looking girl. The fact that she tried to get with Fanum even though she saw us together and literally had such an attitude with me for no reason. I hate it when I come to people with positivity and respect, and they return it with attitude and shit. 

Fanum came out and I felt a wave of guilt hit me. I don't fight at all, and I never thought I had to anymore. And for me to act that way in a nice restaurant because some girl wanted to flirt with my man? Wowwww Delina, you are really dumb. You raised yourself better than this. 

"I'm so sorry Fanum." I admitted.

"Sorry for what?" He asked.

"First of all, I shouldn't have overreacted that way to something so simple. Second of all I-" I started, but was interrupted in Fanum.

"Delina, mírame. (Delina, look at me)" he said in a tender voice. 

"I made a fool of myself and you, and that was never my intension. So, I'm really sorry that I ruined the perfect day you had planned." 

"You didn't do anything wrong. If anything, that bitch in there ruined it. She shouldn't have been doing that shit in the first place. Tienes que dejar de culparte por todo. (You have to stop blaming yourself for everything.)" 

"Lo sé. (I know.)" 

"Aight now we gotta go home to clean you up." He said putting his hand on my waist.

He drove me to the AMP house and led me up to his bathroom. I sat on the sink, and he stood in between my legs. He turned on the sink, got warm water on a towel, and gently cleaned the blood off of my lips. I winced as he hit a cut on my bottom lip. I put my hand over my mouth as a reflex.

"Lo siento ma." He said pulling my hand away and holding it. He kept wiping the blood off until the wound was clean. 

After cleaning all of the wounds, we were sitting on his bed watching the princess and the frog (best disney movie ever). Fanum was rubbing my arms, where I got scratched, and I started to drift to sleep.

I am so sorry it took me so long to publish this pookiesss. It's been in y drafts and I've just been trying my best to make it really good for y'all. LOVE YALL STINAKSSSSS<3.

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