run for the hills

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run for the hills. that's all you wanted to do right now. it was a sentence you had been saying to yourself over and over again very recently. something that was repeated in your mind, especially right now.

maybe i should be running for the hills.

"look- maybe we should just break it off." you shrugged, crossing your arms across your chest. matt simply just rolled his eyes, leaning his head back in frustration. and the thought that you made him this agitated made you want to crawl out of your own skin. and the thought that he let you make him feel this way- that he cared this much, truly, indefinitely made matt want to punch a wall.

matt looked at you, running an exasperated hand through his hair. he sighed, irritated, and said: "i don't wanna break it off."

your breath hitched, and you almost let what he said get to you. almost. "your ex is sufficiently jealous, and i don't even remember what's in it for me-"

"i don't care if you remember or not- you agreed to do this. we have a deal." matt said.

"had. we had a deal. past tense." you rolled your eyes, unsure of what to say. you didn't know how to go about this, because, genuinely, who fake-dates a random guy to get back at their exes?

"god- you really know how to make me fuckin' angry, don't you?" he groaned, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. his leant his back against the muted beige walls of the hallway, going silent as other students passed through the two of you. you bit your lip, fighting back all the things you wish you could say. matt lowered his voice when the coast was clear. "what is everyone gonna say when they saw my girlfriend cozying up with her ex?"

"i wasn't 'cozying up' with him, matt-" you tried to defend yourself, but it was no use, because you and him both knew you were lying. "besides, you were the one who was practically begging to back together with your ex."

matt clenched his jaw, looking down at his feet as he cracked his knuckles. it was a habit you noticed he did whenever he got frustrated, whenever he wasn't in control of the situation in front of him. a situation much like right now. yes, matt did have a healthy conversation with his ex about what it would look like if they got back together. but what he didn't expect was the exception of you being added at to the mix. he caught himself thinking about you far more than he should, looking at you for a lot longer than normal, and instead of his ex, you were the first person he'd go to now. he didn't even know what to think when he thought of you and how you'd feel if he got back with ex, let alone how he'd feel. and that's when he knew that it wasn't about his ex anymore, all this was about you. he was doing this for you. matt didn't expect to fall for you how he did throughout this so-called 'deal' but here he was, begging you to keep being his fake girlfriend so that he could keep being your fake boyfriend. and sometimes, matt let himself believe that it wasn't fake.

"i really just think it's time we call it. neither of us thought it would go on for as long as it has, but we both got what we wanted out of it." you explained, clinging onto the hallway pass in your hands. what started as a quick trip to the bathroom, quickly turned into matt bombarding you with questions before you went back to class.

"you're just trying to back out cause your scared." matt furrowed his eyebrows.

"what do i have to be scared about?" you countered.

"you tell me." he said, before walking away.

    if you had told yourself a year ago, that you would be fake dating matthew sturniolo, you would've laughed in your own face. it was the most unexpected thing to happen in your life yet. but perhaps the one thing that was more unexpected than that, was the fact that you actually let yourself fall head over heels for him. you felt so stupid liking him; liking him and his perfect hair, his perfect teeth and perfect smile, his perfect eyes, and that stupid, stupid chain he always wore around his neck. but, you felt even more stupid for thinking that sometimes, maybe, just maybe, he might even like you back. it was a crazy thought, but you liked to believe that it was real. that he felt the same way about you, because why would he?

(mine all mine) 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now