"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore with me." He says and I roll my eyes at him pushing his head. He then starts tickling me and I squeal for him to stop. He stops grabbing the remote putting on a movie as we cuddle and kiss until I dose off.

Margot's POV

I keep looking at Spencer from the doorway of her playroom. I watch her play with her little basketball hoop that Easton got her but let's just say she didn't get any athletic ability. I tried to ignore that part thinking she just got that from me and not the fact that Tom doesn't have an athletic bone in his body.

Speaking of Tom I introduced him to her last week since he will be in our life now. He's been trying to bond with her but Spencer is not exactly thrilled because she knows that he is the reason that Mommy and Daddy are no longer together.

"She hates me." Tom snaps me out of my thoughts. "She doesn't hate you, she's just not used to you. Spencer has a hard time with new people."

"Or she has a hard time with me being someone who's with her mother that isn't her father." He says and I kiss his cheek.

"I'll go talk to her." I say and I head more into the playroom. I clap at her making the shot finally made.

"Mommy! I finally made one! Can we call Daddy to tell him!?" She asks excitedly. "Well we can but I need to talk to you about Tom."

"But I want to call Daddy!" She whines stomping her foot in the process.
I put my hands on her arms gently, "We will call him as soon as we talk about Tom, okay?"

"Fine!" She says with a huge pout.
"Do you like Tom baby?" I asks and she looks towards the door. I look behind me and Tom is standing there.

I give him a look that tells him to let me have a word alone with my daughter. He nods and leaves us.

"Mommy, I don't like Tom." She says bluntly and I close my eyes sighing.

"How come sweetheart?"
She shrugs and she looks like she's about to cry, "He's why daddy isn't here." My heart breaks and it's all my fault.

"Oh Spencer, Daddy isn't here because him and mommy have other issues. Tom is really nice and he really wants to get to know you. Do you think you could maybe try to give him a chance? For me?" I ask and put on my best pouty face which I can't believe I'm giving to my 4 almost 5 year old.   

"Okay mommy." She says and hugs me.
"I'll go get Tom and we can play a game?" I ask and she nods.

Tom's just sitting on the stairs and I shake my head. "Come on, let's go play."

"How come those words don't sound as fun when we aren't going to get naked?" He says and I nudge him. Grabbing his hand we head to the play room.

"Come Tom, let's play Candy Land!" She says getting up and pulling his hand to sit on the floor.

He looks at me with a smile. The rest of the night Spencer has really enjoyed her time with Tom and he has grown on her.

I was about to put her down from bed when she remembered, "I didn't call daddy to tell him I made a shot. Can we call him?" I sigh and pull out my phone to FaceTime him. I hand her the phone.

Spencer: "Hi Daddy!"
Easton: "Hi Baby! How are you?"
Spencer: "Good! I made a basket Daddy!"
Easton: "What!? You did? That's awesome!"
"Easton, it's starting."
I hear in the background and Spencer perks up.
Spencer: "Is that Lizzie!?"
Easton: "Oh yeah, we are watching a movie."
Spencer: "Can I tell her? Please?"
Easton: "Sure, here she is."
Elizabeth: "Hi Spencer. What's up?"
Spencer: "I made a basket in the hoop that Daddy got me! It took me so long but he says if I keep practicing and practicing like he did I'll make one."
Elizabeth: "Wow, that amazing sweetie! You'll have to show me sometime. I've been watching your Daddy play basketball since high school. So I know you got that talent from him."
Spencer: "Yes, I want to show you! Will you be here for my birthday party next weekend?"
Elizabeth: "Oh I don't know Spence. I'll have to check my schedule okay? I bet it's time for you to go to bed. Good night sweetie."
Spencer: "Okay good night Lizzie! Can I say good night to Daddy?"
Elizabeth: "Of course."
Easton: "Hi baby, you go to bed now and be good for mommy. Good night and I love you baby."
Spencer: "I love you too Daddy."

She hands me the phone and lays back down. I tuck her in and I kiss her cheek. "Good night sweetheart. I love you."
"Good night mommy."

I walk out of the room and crack the door. When I turn around I nearly run into Tom.
"Whoa! You scared me." I whisper and he looks pretty shaken up.

"Her birthday is next week?" He says and I nod. "How old is she going to be?"

"Five." I mutter and he scoffs, "I knew it! Margot, is she my daughter?"

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