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Meanwhile, the Alpha's breath caught in his throat as he stared at the young woman whose lips kept trembling as if trying to form words, her brown-blue eyes stared into his sky blue ones in shock, confusion and recognition?

He really didn't know. The next second her fingers brushed against his left cheek in somewhat gentle manner, as if his eyes has a mind of its own, they fluttered closed. By now everyone was looking at the scene in shock and disbelief, wondering why their alpha king was permitting a stranger to caressed his cheeks.

"I knew you were real, I knew it but how.?" The young woman whispered in shock, her voice shook as she spoke, that made the alpha snapped his eyes opened. The angel before him let out a gasp as she stepped back, she quickly packed her things and sped out of the mall or supermarket while the alpha starred at her disappearing figure in a trance, that woman was so beautiful she looks like an angel.

"Okay, snap out of it" Maurice said, stifling his laugh. Adelia almost laughed at the look on their Alpha's face. The alpha bend over slightly and took the cellphone from the floor, luckily she had placed a protector on the phone's surface.

"Adelia, please give me a new protector for this phone" was the words which left his lips, shocking everyone yet again.

"Yes your highness" Adelia replied with a nod, she took the phone and walked towards the protector aisle while Maurice sent the onlookers a warning look.

"She's the person, the boy, I mean Ike was talking about" Maurice said to the quiet man standing in front of him.

"I know this is probably gonna sound crazy but I feel like I know her," the alpha said looking at where the woman had disappeared. Maurice almost laughed at his Alpha's words.

"Please stop that okay, you are not someone who interacts with the weaker vessels, as you call them" Maurice said, dismissing his statement with wave of his hand.

"Believe me or not, I'm telling you the truth" he responded with a sigh of helplessness.

"Whatever bro" Maurice said with a roll of his eyes just as Adelia came back with the phone.

"All done, your highness" Adelia said handing out the cellphone to him. He could perceive her scent all over the phone, he inhaled sharply, taking in her scent while Maurice starred at him in irritation and slight disgust.

"She left her scarf behind, please pass it to her when she comes back for her phone. I don't think she will come to work tomorrow" Adelia said, giving the scarf to the alpha who took it, he brought the scarf to his nose, breathing in her scent. Goodness, he couldn't get enough of it. Maurice looked at his friend in disgust while Adelia looked on with her mouth slight slacked.

"Thank you Adelia," Maurice said collecting the shopping bags from the counter and grabbing a hold of his friend's hand, pulling him out of the supermarket.

"What was that about?" Maurice asked after they sat in their car in the parking lot as he gave him a look of disdain.

"I don't know what you're talking about, let's go to the pack house. I have some papper works to complete before the party" he heard him replied as he folded the strangers scarf gently.

"Look I don't give a damn about your lies right now but I just wanted to remind you that you have a mate, a loving perfect woman so please keep yourself away from that girl. Don't ruin your life" Maurice warned sternly while the man looked out of the window with a dark chuckle, his lips curled into a self taunting smile but he knows he wouldn't listen to Maurice because for the first time, he felt comforted with just a touch.

Maurice started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, onto the street of Veridora. He has a feeling that his friend wouldn't listen to him, but he refuse to watch him interact with that girl. Only his mate should have that kind of privilege. Something have to be done fast.

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