Chapter 9 | "then become lucky"

Start from the beginning

I squeal in excitement as I run towards the wardrobe to pick my clothes. "What are you doing?" Peter exclaims as he sees that I'm running like a maniac.

"What do you think I'm doing Pete?" His face turns white as realisation hits him.

"Oh no please don't tell me youre going—" "To the snow? Yes, yes I am." I rush out of the bedroom but then I remember something else.

I brusquely open the door and smile widely at him, "And you're coming with me." 

After a lot of arguing, (and I successfully convinced him) we both get ready and rush out into the snow. Or I at least run out into the snow, Peter arrives some minutes later.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! It's snowing!" I pick up a bunch of snow from the ground with my white adorable gloves and throw it in the air.

Peter playfully rolls his eyes at me. "You're so lucky to have this." I pick up the snow, "almost every day!" and throw it in the air once again.

"Then become lucky and move in with me." I hear him mumbling so faintly that I barely hear him.

My eyes go wide and my cheeks turn pink, but I still act as if I didn't hear him.

"Come on! Let's build a snowman!" I change the subject quickly.

He gives me a look that says he doesn't want to but I know that secretly he is super-duper excited.

I pick up a handful of snow and turn it into a ball, he does the same and we both connect it together, forming the head and the body.

We make one more snowball and attach it to the body, completing the snowman's structure.

"Okay! Now we need sticks and carrots—" I feel a cold hit on my face stopping me from finishing my sentence.

I look at Peter open mouthed to see that he just threw a snowball at me.

I gasp, "Oh you're so dead West." I pick another handful of snow and throw it at him but unfortunately, I miss it. He laughs. His laugh is so cute.

And then, we start a snowball fight, no, war.

We both hide behind the trees and throw snowballs at each other while each one misses each other.

I laugh like a maniac completely losing my breath and that when he takes advantage of me and throws a snowball right onto my cheek.

"Ouch!" I act hurt, looking down at my feet and I see him getting closer to me.

Hehe, my turn sucker.

"Are you oka—" Before he can finish his sentence, I throw the snowball right across his face.

His mouth opens in shock. "Oh I'm gonna murder you Perkins!" He shouts, chasing me while we both die of laughter.

I then hide behind a tree and see him looking for me.

When he turns his back to me, I take that as an advantage to shoot him but he turns around right on time and I stumble and fall on top of him.

"Ow! Sorry!" I try to get out of him but then he pins me down.

I gasp. His mouth coming to my ear, "Already falling for me?" My body feels on fire and that's when we make eye contact.

His icy blue eyes lined with mine. His eyes dodges to my lips and I repeat his movement.

He then starts coming closer and I let him. Oh god are we about to ki—""Oh, wow, in public?" As the elderly voice speaks, Peter gets off of me in less than a second, and I follow his action.

Mrs. Diaz comes out of the forest with her glasses and pigtails as always. "Oh no, we were just—" "About to kiss?" She finishes the sentence and we both look down at the same time.

She laughs knowingly, "Let's get you two some hot cocoa shall we?"

We both go inside Mrs. Diaz cafe and she prepares our order.

Peter and I stay in silence not wanting to talk about what was just about to happen.

Were we about to kiss? Would've been a good kiss? Is he a good kisser? Am I a good kisser?

So many unanswered questions...

"Here we go! Two hot cocoa for the best couple in town!"

We both look at each other and blush. "We're not a couple—" "Nonsense! Have you seen the way you two were in such an intimate position! Only couples would do that!"

Right now, at this exact moment I know I look like a tomato.

"Okay now drink it up or else it'll get colder." she winks at us both and we silently drink it.

No one said anything neither me, nor him.

And now the only thing I can think of is this:

What would've happened if Mrs. Diaz didn't see us?



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hope ur liking :))
They almost kissed!!!
U guys have no idea what's coming up...

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Instagram: @gabislbrary
TikTok: @gabilpcv

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