⁷⁶. 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑

Start from the beginning

Nebula handed the Orb into Rhodey's hands and she blew some air into her burnt hand, the red and orange from starting to disappear as it spent more time cooling off. (Y/N) couldn't help but stare, but what caught her eye the most was the way Nebula looked more embarrassed of having the robotic arm instead of being in pain.

She felt their stares. "I wasn't always like this."

"Me either," Rhodey referred to himself. "But we work with what we got, right?"

(Y/N) couldn't help but lower her head and avoid their eyes because of that.

Rhodey seemed to notice the tense atmosphere. "Let's sync up."

The quantum realm suits appeared over their bodies in a matter of seconds, the helmets covering their faces too. (Y/N), Rhodey and Nebula had a hovering finger over their tracker in order to press it at the same time. (Y/N) felt a slight twitch in the arm that held the tracker, sensing some sort of glitch, but thought it was just her mind playing tricks with her.

"Three, two, one."

(Y/N) was about to press on her tracker when she saw another glitch, this time in her own suit and not in the quantum one. Rhodey disappeared in a matter of seconds, but she couldn't get her own suit to work for an unknown reason. Nebula seemed to be experiencing something similar, since her own suit disappeared and her right eye started twitching.

She collapsed in the ground and a hologram started playing out of her eye, like an old projector. (Y/N)'s own quantum suit disappeared as she knelt down to see what was wrong with Nebula, when the wrist gauntlet of her uniform started glitching, distortion being the only thing she could see before a small alert showed up in the small screen; Location Found.

She froze in horror since she didn't know who could've found her location. A part of her felt a pit in her stomach at the mere thought of the Kree finding her like she had nightmares about. Just when she was about to voice her concerns, Nebula stood up from the floor.

"He knows," was all she muttered.

(Y/N) saw the terrified look behind her black eyes and knew exactly who she was referring to.

They tried to activate the quantum realm suits again, but they didn't seem to work. It was as if something or someone had blocked them. With nothing else to do, Nebula and (Y/N) made their way to the pod back outside the temple in a panic, since they didn't know what else to do.

Nebula made it to the pod first and she grabbed the first radio that came across her gaze. "Barton! Barton, come in. Romanoff!"

(Y/N) focused on starting the pod in order to escape if necessary, hoping to hear someone answer to Nebula's call for help.

"Come in, we have a problem," Nebula grew angry that the radio didn't work and she smacked it against the wall before speaking again. "Come in, we have a — Thanos knows. Thanos — "

(Y/N) heard a faint rumble from outside and didn't want to know what it was, instead pressing the buttons to start the pod before it was too late. Nebula peeked out the glass to see what the sound was, and she could see the enormous ship hovering above them.

"Hurry!" she called back for (Y/N).

(Y/N) pulled down a lever and the pod hovered in the air, though it didn't have that much altitude. Before they could fly off and escape, a powerful beam of light emitted from the ship above them. No matter how hard (Y/N) tried to pull the ship away from the beam, her efforts were useless and they were dragged up into the air.

(Y/N) didn't know what to expect, but based on the horrified look in Nebula's eyes, it wasn't anything good.

you didn't see that coming, right :) hehe, flashbacks of y/n's past are coming !! also i published this like 3 hours ago but i realized i used the wrong banner at the end and i wouldn't sleep tonight if i didn't change it lol-see you soon, bex

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you didn't see that coming, right :)
hehe, flashbacks of y/n's past are coming !!
also i published this like 3 hours ago but i realized i used the wrong banner at the end and i wouldn't sleep tonight if i didn't change it lol
-see you soon, bex

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