Chapter 18: A Shot in the Dark

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Y/n's POV

There was but a week left until our final exams. I was confident in my ability to do well on both the written exam as well as the practical one. Not everyone else shared the same sentiment, however.
Throughout the day, many of my fellow classmates approached me for assistance on some topic they didn't quite understand. Normally, I wouldn't mind helping however I could, but it'd be hard to try and tutor so many students at once. I instead pointed them to Yaoyorozu, who was eager to have people over to her place to help them with their weak points.

When it came time for lunch, I grabbed my meal and joined my friends at the table, slightly exasperated from the number of requests.

"You okay, Y/n? You look really tired." Toru commented on my appearance.

"It's just people asking me about exam stuff." I answered with a yawn. "I've been giving tips and stuff all day, and it's starting to wear down on me. Can't exactly help out when it comes to things like the practical exam, though.

"The practical exam, huh?" Said Midoriya. "It's kind of scary since you can't tell what'll be on it."

"I don't think it'll be anything crazy." Iida reassured. 

"The written exam questions are on the stuff we cover in class, so I can probably manage, but seriously, what'll we have to do for the practical exam?"

"Knowing this school, we'll probably have to dodge gunfire while blindfolded." I joked wearily. 

"Aizawa says it'll be a comprehensive test of everything from first semester." Said Toru.

"That's all he'll tell us though..." Tsuyu added.

"Everything we did so far would include combat training and rescue training."

"Don't forget getting attacked by villains." I chimed in dryly.

"In addition to studying, we'll have to keep in good physical conditio-" Midoriya was cut off by someone elbowing him in the head. We looked to see a blond-haired student with a smug look on his face.

"Oh, sorry. Your head was so big that I accidentally hit it." He said arrogantly.

If I remembered correctly, he was one of the students from Class B. I saw him very briefly during the sports festival, but I had never caught his name.

"Monoma! How could you-" Midoriya was interrupted again.

"I heard you guys met the Hero Killer." Monoma began.

I stopped eating after those words. I turned my head over to Monoma and glanced back at Toru, who had stopped eating as well.

This guy better not start anything.

"Does he know?" I mouthed to Toru, to which she just shrugged.

"Just like at the sports festival, you guys in Class A just have to have all the attention, huh?" He continued.

I examined him up and down before my eyes fell on his lunch tray he was holding. I had to try and contain my laughter after what I saw. 

"Says the guy drinking grape juice out of a wine glass." I said, chuckling a bit.

The remark seemed to hit him, but he tried to ignore me. "That attention isn't because people have high hopes for you. It's because you keep attracting trouble, right?"

"Trouble like you." I retorted.

"Oh, that's scary, isn't it? Someday the rest of might also be caught up in the trouble you bring and become victims as well."

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