Chapter 8: Dumb Enough to Work

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Hagakure's POV:

Where am I? Where's Y/n and the others? I hope I'm not stuck here by myself...

I landed in what looked like the landslide zone, but I had absolutely no idea where anyone was. I spotted what looked like villains coming up from the bottom of the hill.
Thanks to my invisibility, it didn't seem like any of them saw me as I ducked behind a nearby rock.

Okay, calm down. Think like Y/n. Panic is the enemy. If I use my head, I can do anything if I apply myself. That's what Y/n taught me.

Then, I heard something coming around the other side of the rock. Someone was coming. The sound of heavy metallic footsteps were getting ever closer. I had to do something. If I just stay here, I'll get caught. But if I move from my hiding place, there's no telling what'll happen.

What's the best move? Come on, come on, think! ...I got it! A sneak attack!

I took off my gloves and balled up my fists, ready to strike. As soon as they turned the corner, I immediately swung at their face. I was already in the motion of punching when I realized that the person that was turning the corner was Y/n.
Unfortunately, he wasn't able to react in time and I had already socked him in the face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said frantically. "I thought you were some villain coming to get me!"

"It's okay, but try to keep it quiet." He replied calmly with his nose bleeding. He ducked down behind the rock, trying to plug his nose.

"Quiet. Right. Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm good. It'll heal in no time. Are you okay though?"

"I'm fine. Are we the only ones here?"

"I did see that Todoroki dude in another part of this zone, but I decided to steer clear of him because he was freezing over the whole area. I think the best course of action is to try and get to the exit without a fight. Luckily, it seems like this zone isn't too far from the entrance, so you could make it if you ran."

"Okay, sounds like a pla-" I paused. "Wait, what do you mean, *I* could make it? What about you?"

"It's risky for you to take a head-on fight, so the safest bet is for you to sneak out."

"But... how? There's so many of them. What if some of them have quirks that let them locate me?"

"That's where I come in. I'll distract them so you can get away while they're focused on me."

I was so shocked to hear those words come out of his mouth.

"But..." I couldn't form the words to protest this plan of his. To think he'd do that for my sake. What if he got hurt, or worse...?

"Hagakure..." Y/n continued. "I've already made up my mind. What kind of hero doesn't try to help others? Besides, ever since joining the hero course, there's something I've always wanted to do. It's a pretty dumb idea, but dumb tends to draw peoples' attention, right? So it might be dumb enough to work. As soon as their focus is on me, you gotta run for the entrance, okay?"

"O-okay." I stuttered. "Just... please be careful. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you..."

Y/n gave me a warm smile. "Alright, I got you. I'll be careful."

He stood up from behind the rock with a determined look on his face. He brought his hands to the ground, ready to start sprinting down the hill at top speed. I heard him take a deep breath before he went. I could feel my heart racing with worry. Just then, Y/n bolted down the hill.
But he didn't just run normally.
He Naruto ran down the hill.

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