Chapter 17: Amends

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Y/n's POV

After the run-in with the hero killer, we were taken to Hosu General Hospital so we could recover from our injuries. Once again, thanks to my regenerative capabilities, I was out by early morning. Wringer had made a special trip over just to drop off my hero suit for me to wear. She even repaired it for me.

"This isn't me telling you to get back to work, by the way." She said. "But it'd be a little less okay for someone in a school uniform to hang out on top of a building as opposed to someone in a hero suit, you know?"

I thanked her and put it on so I could figure some stuff out in private. As I scaled the wall, I felt a sharp stinging pain in my hand, likely from when I was forced to grab the Hero Killer's blade. I perched on the roof of the Hospital as I stared at my phone in silence.

Should I be calling Toru this early? Would she even be awake? Would she even want to talk to me right now? I guess there's no point in just thinking about it...

I called her phone and she picked up very quickly.

"Hello? Y/n?" She said, a slight weariness in her voice.

"Yep, that's me." I said, trying to maintain a lighter tone.

"Are you still injured?"

"Nah, you know me. Spry as ever." I paused to think about my next words more carefully. "Hey, listen. I'm really sorry for last night. I shouldn't have been so reckless just because I tend to get away with it. I didn't realize how much it affected you."

"That really hurt, Y/n. You promised me you'd be careful. I trusted that you would, and the next day, you go off and fight one of the worst killers in the country. Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

I felt my stomach drop at her words. I hated myself for how much pain I could hear in her voice.

"I know it's unavoidable." She continued. "We're bound to run into some villains because it's what we're training for. But what hurt most is the fact that you didn't want to tell me the truth about what was happening with you."

"Toru, I... I had no idea you felt this way. I'm so, so sorry."

There was a long pause. "Just for the record, I'm still really mad at you, but for now, I'm just glad you're still alive, okay?"

"Is there any other way I can make it up to you?"

"Come back in one piece, so I can throttle you for making me so upset."

Jeez, she's almost scarier than the Hero Killer.

"I'll make sure of it." I replied shakily.

"I'm gonna go now, since I didn't sleep much last night..."

I winced a bit, once again realizing how much of an affect I had on her. "Well, I won't keep you, then. Talk later?"

"Sure. Bye."


Well, that's sort of amends, at least. I still think I should at least apologize to her again in person.

A little bit later, after gathering myself, I popped over to the window of the hospital room that Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida were located. I knocked on the window for them to let me in.

"We were wondering where you were." Todoroki said as he opened up the window.

"Just getting a bit of an early start." I replied. "Did you all sleep well?"

"No, not really." Midoriya answered.

"Me neither." Said Iida.

I decided not to inform them that I slept like a baby, despite what we went through last night.

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