Chapter 10: Chance Encounter

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Hagakure's POV:

I woke up fairly early to get ready for my meet with Y/n and the others. I kept checking the time to see how long it would be until we were meant to meet up. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get ready.

"Toru?" I heard my mom call out to me. "Are you okay? You've been pacing around the house all day, mumbling to yourself"

"Sorry, Mom," I replied "I'm probably just overthinking things."

I can tell she was giving me a suspicious look. "What 'things'?"

Should I tell her? If I do, there's a chance she'll take things the wrong way. But at the same time, I want to be straight with her.

"I'm just going to go hang out with some friends from school" I answered haphazardly.

"You mean that 'Y/n' boy you keep talking about?"

It's a good thing I'm invisible, otherwise you'd see me turning a bit red. "I don't talk about him THAT much..."

"Toru, last night, you couldn't stop mentioning how cool he was during that whole incident at school."

"A-anyway, I feel like I'm just nervous because I've never had the type of friends who would spend their Saturday hanging out with me. I don't want to mess anything up."

My mom suddenly reached over and clasped my face in her palms. "If your friends like you for who you are, then you shouldn't have to act like you're planning for the end of the world. It's just a nice, simple outing with friends."

"...You're right, I should stop worrying so much. Thanks Mom."

"You're welcome. But still, make sure you wash up really good. Your hair feels like it's a mess."

"Okay, I will."

A few hours had passed and it was about thirty minutes to 1:00. I was about ready to head out. I made sure to grab all my things, and headed out the door. My mom caught me before I left and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Have fun, okay?" She said to me.

"Alright, I will." 

I had ended up making it to the train station a bit early. Maybe thirty minutes before is a bit early to leave at. 

Well, what now? No one else is here. I guess I'll just kill some time by walking around. 

I was just wandering around while looking at all the shops when I ended up bumping into someone while I wasn't looking.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I apologized quickly.

"Nah, it's my bad." That voice sounded really familiar; it almost sounded like...

"...Wait, L/n?!" 

"Hagakure?!" He said, flabbergasted.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned. "I thought I was the early one."

"Well, I wasn't tryna end up late or anythin', and you know how busy the trains get, so..."

"So..." I repeated, slightly embarrassed.

"I guess while we're waiting for Midoriya and the others, you want to just walk around and see what they got around here?"

"Sure! That sounds good. I've heard that there's a good ramen place in the mall connected to this train station."

"Ooh, I'm intrigued. They always have sweet shops around these places, so we could also get dessert afterwards. Maybe cakes or sweet bread; I'd be willing to bet they got an ice cream place too."

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