Chapter 12: Those Who Stand Against Our Path

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Y/n's POV:

As soon as Midnight gave the signal to start, the entire gathering of students took off running, crowding for the exit.

"Okay, here's the play-by-play!" I heard Present Mic say. "Are you ready to do the commentary, Mummy Man?"

"You're the one who forced me to come." Aizawa replied.

"Let's get started right away, Mummy Man. What should we pay attention to in the early stages?"

"This part right now."

The corridor was absolutely flooded with other students shoving against each other. I trusted that my friends would be able to hold their own within this swarm of students, and took off for the front. I jumped above the rest and ran along the walls of the hallway leading outside.

This is brutal. Knowing this school, this chaotic beginning was meant to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.

Just as I finished clearing over the crowd of people, I felt a blast of cold air come from behind me. Just as I speculated, Todoroki had created a sheet of ice over the floor, hindering everyone else's movement.
Too bad for him, I couldn't be stopped so easily. My clinging powers allowed me to keep my grip, even when running on ice. Several others had made their way out of it using their Quirks as well.

"More people outside of Class A were able to dodge that than I expected..." I heard Todoroki say.

"On your left!" I quipped at him. "Hey, I've wondered if you're capable of slipping on your ice. How's that work?"

I was met with silence. "Good talk." I said, running ahead of him.

I heard Mineta yelling something about a special attack behind us. I turned around only to see him get completely decked by a giant robot hand.
They had deployed the faux villains from during the entrance exam to be our obstacles, it seemed. I looked up to see a large towering figure above us. It was a zero-pointer robot. Not just one though. There were five.

That didn't stop me, though. I didn't want to slow down, so just I kept running forward, even though everyone else had stopped. I'd seen one of these in action before, so I knew exactly what to do to get past it. An imposing obstacle like this would surely put a stop to many students, so this is the chance I needed to get ahead.

I jumped forward towards the robot with great force. One swung its arm at me. I predicted where the strike would go and weaved right between its fingers. I ran up the arm of a second robot and dismounted swiftly. Putting me in a great lead for the race.
A good ten seconds after, a large wall of ice engulfed one of the robots, completely shutting it down.

The hell?! That giant thing, just like that? This could be good, though. With how forceful his quirk is, he'll likely have to recuperate, even if for just a few seconds. And at this point in the race, every bit of a lead counts.

I slowed down just a slight bit, considering the length of this race. Our course was about four kilometers long, and while I could run that distance faster in a normal race, there's no telling what kind of obstacles are being placed in our path. It would be better to pace myself and make a sprint at the very end.

"Todoroki from Class 1-A!" Present Mic announced. "He attacked and defended in one hit! How elegant! Amazing! He's the first one through! It's, you know, practically unfair!"

"It seems to me that you need to take a closer look," Mr. Aizawa said. "Another one of our students made it through a bit before him. He did it efficiently without stopping. A head-on confrontation isn't always the best solution to an obstacle."

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