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"it's a fluff. grizzy, droid, pezzy, puffer and y/n are all drinking at puffers house. y/ns the dd and stays sober, once she drives droid and grizzy to their houses, pezzy doesn't want her to leave. she's stays, and the rest can be up to you! 🫶"


Everywhere I looked bottles and bottles were placed. Some soju some whiskey and vodka,I looked around the walls of puffers house. It was big but it was nicely decorated,I'll assume that's from Megan since puffer wasn't too good with matching things.

I look to the side of me and see Nelson and Jamie  arguing about something stupid,I look behind me and see puffer on his phone. When I look on the floor I see max staring at the ceiling

He looked like he had seen a new dimension or some shit so I giggle and snap a picture of him, as I sit there giggling I send the picture to max,Jamie,puffer,and Nelson.

Puffer opened it first and started dying laughing causing me to laugh and leaving the other three confused.

"What the fuck" said Nelson "did y'all just get possessed" followed Jamie

"HE LOOKS FUCKING STUPID" puffer said between laughs and wheezes.mi smile as I caught my breathe and tell them to open snap, all three pulling out their phones to see the picture of max on the floor,eyes wide open and mouth agape 

The two following laughing and max hides his face in embarrassment 

"I look so stupid" he cried as I pat his back.

I stand up and grab everyone waters,most refusing but when max said no to the water sometimes inside me was persistent.

"Max drink the water"

"Neo" he responded slurring his words

"Max..drink the fucking water before I shove it inside you" I said with a smile while a hand was on his shoulder. He gulped and drank it making the other laugh once more

-time skip-

"Hey Y/N I domt wamma walk home can you drive usss" Jamie cried out as I agreed.

I walk each of the three out of puffers house to take them home. When I walked max out he kept looking at me but I thought nothing of it and put him in the passenger seat

"Hey why does he get shotguunn" Nelson said sounding offended I shook my head and turned around to respond 

"Cause he's the drunkest and I don't trust him in the back" I said turning the car on and reversing as I drove to each of their houses.

Once I got to max's I unbuckled and reach over to unbuckle max,he grabs my hand and kisses it...i sit there shocked but shook it off as him just being drunk. I get out the car and drag max out,once I got to his front door I open it since he leaves it unlocked 

"Your gunna get robbed one day max" I said as he shook his head at me like a sleepy baby. I smile at him and take him to his room laying him down and making sure he was comfortable,I run downstairs and grab him a water.

I walk back to his room and place the water on his nightstand,but as I began to walk out be cried out to me.

"Y/Nnn" I look at him to see him sat up reaching for me,he's so cute when he's drunk

"Can you stay please.." he looked at me like a lost puppy so I gave in and agreed "sure max" I smile at him and lay on the floor,but he shakes his head "No no" he says as he pulls me up on the bed with him.I blush but crawl to the other side.

I lay with him but he soon cuddles up to me ,laying his head on my chest. Our legs getting tangled and our bodies touching,he was warm. I smile at the situation I'm in and began to hug him as I close my eyes.. I love this boy

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