"Andy, look at this." She handed the box and the letter to Jung Andy who was reading a book in the room. He read the letter too and was shocked. They both checked the box and were shocked. "Who could do this?" Sumi whispered. "Don't worry, I will find out." Andy replied.

At Kim's Mansion

Now its been 1 week to their marriage. Siya has become comfortable with all the family members and staffs except for Mr. Kim and Taehyung. Taehyung still gives her flowers everyday and confesses his love. Drops and picks her up everyday. Calls and interrupts her during working hours just because he misses her. And also keeps flirting with her in an healthy way. And never fails to make her heart flutter.

Now Taehyung dropped Siya and left. He also informed her that he might be late tonight and asked her to have meals properly and sleep. Siya smiled a little remembering his words once he left and entered inside.

Somewhere in Seoul.

"What's the matter?" Taehyung asked Jungkook as soon as he reached him. Jungkook had called Taehyung saying that there was some emergency. "It's about that bastard Shoi Seng.(Refer Chapter 10 in case if you guys don't remember.)" Jungkook said with gritted teeth. Anger was clearly visible on his face.

"Tell me." Taehyung asked. "He has installed bombs in our steel industry. He is saying, he will blast them if we don't give him the land located near it." Taehyung clenched his jaws in anger. "How could that happen when the security is fucking tight?" he asked. "That could mean only one thing that we have moles in our industry." Taehyung thought for a moment. "Let's end him." He said calmly. "I was thinking the same too." They both left to the steel industry.

They arrived inside and saw Shoi Seng and his members already present. Shoi Seng was sitting on the chair while his members surrounded him. It was dark over there, only some yellow lights were lightened. Both Taehyung and Jungkook stood there with serious faces.

"Welcome." Seng said smiling. "These are the papers. Sign them and give me that land or else I will burn this entire industry." He said sounding serious. "Yeah let's do that. Sounds nice. Right Jungkook." Taehyung said smiling making Seng confused. "It's going to be so thrilling right. I can't wait." Jungkook played along.

"I m SERIOUS!" Seng screamed. "So we are." Both the best friends replied. Taehyung's smile dropped in an instant looking at Shoi Seng and a sinister smirk appeared on his face making Shoi Seng confused. "Not just this industry Seng. Along with this, you, me, all of us are going to burn." He said with a smirk. "What are you talking?" Seng asked angrily.

Jungkook started whistling and suddenly all the lights went off. "What the hell?" Seng screamed and there was sudden rush inside the industry. Once the lights were on, Shoi Seng was shocked to see no one was there in the area except for him, Taehyung and Jungkook. "What's happening here?" he said out loud while the other two males were sharply staring at him.

"Come on, blast the area Shoi." Taehyung said taking steps nearing him slowly. Seng took out his gun and pointed towards Taehyung. "I will kill you." Saying that, he fired the bullet but Taehyung was skilled enough to dodge such attacks. He stepped forward and punched Seng in his face. It was so quick that Seng took few seconds to comprehend the situation. Seng raised his head and didn't find Taehyung but a metal sound made him look behind him.

Taehyung was sitting on the chair on which Seng previously was sitting. His eyes then fell on the metallic thing in his hand and his widened because it was a Golden Gun. Only the top Mafia people owned golden guns and seeing Taehyung holding it shocked him. This doesn't end here. He was scared to death when he saw the letter 'V' boldly carved on that gun. Because that gun belonged to Mafia King. The realization hit him like a truck. He was freaking Mafia King V. He immediately bowed in front of him in fear. "For-rgive me Sir-r." he said and trembling of his voice clearly showed his fear.

"For what? For irritating me every time because of that land? Or for placing bombs in my industry? Or for entering in my industry?" he asked calmly and his anger could be heard. Poor man shivered and constantly begged for forgiveness. "I w-ill not re-peat it." He said.

"Get him." Jungkook called someone. Few guards dressed in black came forward from nowhere and held Seng. "I m so-rry" he kept begging. "Beat him until he loses his senses." Taehyung ordered and they dragged him away.

At Kim's Mansion

Siya was lying on the bed. Everyone had their dinner but she wondered where Taehyung might be. He didn't come for dinner too. When Kim Anna called him, he didn't pick up the call. Even though he had informed her that he would be late, she was worried. "It's good that he's not here." She thought and was about to sleep but suddenly she remembered that she hasn't taken her medicines yet. So she woke up and had her doses.

She kept the glass on the side table and her eyes fell on the sunflowers. She touched them slowly and took one flower from the bunch. She laid down on the bed and stared at that flower. She slowly inhaled the soothing mild fragrance of it and smiled. 'You know, they weren't available here. I had to travel for some distance to fetch them for you.' She remembered Taehyung's words. 'These sunflowers mean happiness and hope. I hope that you will accept my love and we can create infinite happiness loving each other everyday. Good morning dear Sunshine.' She pressed her lips to suppress her widening smile.

"I shouldn't be smiling like this." She said to herself. She turned to the right and kept staring at the flower thinking about all the moments with Taehyung. She dozed off and slept god knows when still holding the flower in her hand. The medicines have sleeping affect which always made her sleep soon because of which her sleep cycle has always been healthy.

Somewhere in Seoul

When the lights had went off. All the Taehyung's men came and injected a liquid to the Seng's men and dragged them when they became unconscious. It was all pre planned. In meantime they also deactivated all the bombs with the help of the sensors. Now everything was done. They decided to leave but one of the Seng's men had escaped from the grip when he was being injected.

"Let's go Kook" Taehyung said standing up from the chair and Jungkook nodded and turned to leave but stopped and turned around immediately when he heard a gunshot and a groan.

His eyes widened when he saw the scene. A man ran and escaped after that shot. He ran towards Taehyung who was lying on the ground. "TAE!" Jungkook took Taehyung on his lap. "GAURDS, get the car ready, QUICK!" he shouted.

Taehyung was shot in his waist and blood was flowing out of his body.





This was a pretty short chapter though. 1999 words' chapter feels like such a long one but it turned out so short.

Do vote and comment.

Meet you next week.

Till then, take care.

Lots of Love.

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