Chapter 123: Admission Notice

Start from the beginning

Cen Huai'an only filled in one choice: the Semiconductor Engineering major in the Radio Technology Department of Jinghua University.

Chu Xia did not interfere with his preferences but noticed he only filled in one and asked if he wanted to add a backup option.

Back in the day, Chu Xia was single-minded about going to Traditional Chinese Medicine University, so she didn't fill in many preferences. However, when it came to Cen Huai'an, she became like any other ordinary parent, worrying about his preferences.

Cen Huai'an and Chu Xia were equally persistent: "If I can't get into this one, I don't want to study at any other school or major."

Chu Xia didn't try to persuade him anymore; she patted his shoulder with a smile on her face. "You are just like me when I filled in my preferences during the college entrance exam."

Cen Zhengnian brought over a bunch of washed grapes, peeled one, and fed it into Chu Xia's mouth. "An'an sometimes does have the same nature as you."

The sweet juice of the grape exploded in Chu Xia's mouth. Proudly, she nodded and swallowed the grape flesh, saying, "Of course, he's my son!"

Just like the democratic atmosphere in Cen Huai'an's family, there was no interference in the preferences that Zhang Lu submitted. However, when she told Cen Huai'an about her preferences, he was unexpectedly unsurprised.

Zhang Lu applied to the National Defense University, expressing her longing, "In the future, I want to join the military, serve the country like Granduncle."

She even had her branch of service decided; she wanted to become an aviator, a female pilot capable of flying fighter jets.

Cen Huai'an had no doubts about her capability and said, "You can achieve it."

With a proud lift of her head, Zhang Lu, like a proud little leopard, declared, "Certainly! In the future, you will become an outstanding scientist too."

She then turned to Tang Song, "And you will become an outstanding scientist too."

Tang Song's major was in computer science, and he aspired to research computers and produce his own achievements.

The three of them exchanged smiles, as if they could already see the scene of realizing their dreams in the future.


After returning from Country E, Cen Huai'an wrote letters to friends like Bangzi, Hu Pandeng, and Xiao He, while eagerly awaiting the arrival of admission notices.

This year, Cen Huai'an was not the only one taking the college entrance examination. Bangzi, Maozi, Hu Pandeng, Xiao He, and others were also participants. 

Hu Pandeng was slightly older than the others; he should have started university last year, but the universities he applied to in the capital postponed their admissions. 

As a result, he chose to directly retake the entrance exam.

In his letter, he told Cen Huai'an, "We agreed that we would go to the same university. I'm determined to get into a university in the capital!"

Cen Huai'an, having returned from Country E, hadn't had the chance to inquire about their exam results since he went abroad immediately after finishing his exams. He only got the answers from his teachers upon returning and estimated his own score.

After estimating his score, Cen Huai'an felt more confident about getting into Jinghua University.

Upon learning about Cen Huai'an's return, Zhang Lu was the first to use a BB machine to contact him, asking if he wanted to come to Grandpa's house. 

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