Chapter 116: Winter Camp, Training Camp

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When Cen Huai'an got off the train, he was covered in the various smells of the train, which were not pleasant. 

He was also very tired, and the Luo family no longer meant much to him.

He had grown up, gained close family members, found the love he desired, and developed the ability to protect himself. 

The scars from the past no longer hurt when he saw the Luo family; they could no longer harm him.

Even when he wished the Luo family would go too far, it would only give him a more reasonable excuse to fight back. 

But at the moment, Cen Huai'an had no thoughts of the Luo family. After sitting on the hard-seat train for so long, he just wanted to hurry home, take a shower, and rest.

As Cen Huai'an stepped out of the train station, he looked up and saw Chu Xia and Cen Zhengnian waiting at the exit. 

They each wore thick wine-red scarves and matching hats, covering everything but their eyes, making it impossible to discern their appearances.

One person wore a black coat, draped with a gray scarf, hands casually in pockets, gaze scanning the emerging crowd. 

Locking eyes with Cen Huai'an, Cen Zhengnian revealed a faint smile, and the coldness brought by the chilly wind disappeared at that moment.

Chu Xia also spotted Cen Huai'an, and her eyes, visible through the crescent-shaped opening, smiled broadly. She took her hands out of her pockets and waved vigorously at him.

At that moment, Cen Huai'an's heart suddenly became very calm, like a fledgling bird that had flown for a long time, returning to its parents' nest. 

His steps quickened until he reached Cen Zhengnian and Chu Xia. He stopped, and his breath remained steady.

"Dad, Mom."

Suddenly, Chu Xia reached out and grabbed his arm, carefully inspecting him from top to bottom.

"Did the Luo family trouble you again?"

Cen Huai'an shook his head, "I haven't seen them since. But their days ahead probably won't be easy."

Chu Xia wasn't concerned about that; she only cared if Cen Huai'an was okay. Her worry over the past few days finally lifted.

"Let's go home. What do you want to eat?" 

Cen Zhengnian stepped forward to take Cen Huai'an's suitcase, but he evaded.

"I'll carry it myself. Mom, I want sweet and sour spare ribs."

Cen Huai'an's voice still carried the clear tone of youth, with his characteristic maturity. However, Chu Xia could detect a hint of intimacy and playfulness in his tone.

"Alright, we'll buy spare ribs for you when we get home."

Walking on the outer edge of the road, Cen Zhengnian continued to protect them, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. 

He responded with a nod and began mentally planning what else to buy besides spare ribs.

As Cen Huai'an approached the car, he suddenly remembered that he forgot to inform his teacher. They were supposed to travel back together. 

With Chu Xia and Cen Zhengnian in his sight, he couldn't think of anyone else.

Turning around, Cen Huai'an spotted Teacher Jiang still at the station exit, checking the names of students. 

He called out loudly, and Teacher Jiang turned, waving to acknowledge that she understood.

Only then did Cen Huai'an board the car.

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