Chapter 104: High School

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Jiang Zhida didn't need to ask to know that Bai Han's words were true. No wonder Second Aunt was so angry; she thought he had led Jiang Weixian astray.

"Okay, I'll take him away." Jiang Zhida's momentum dissipated, and he looked somewhat disheartened.

Zhang Lu and Cen Huai'an stood on the side, a hint of worry on their faces, calling out to him.

Jiang Zhida waved his hand at the two, forced a smile, and said, "I'm fine; it's just that I didn't think it through. Second Aunt, Sister-in-law, I'm sorry."

Chu Xia's eyebrows also furrowed. She could remember how triumphant Jiang Zhida looked when he brought the game console to Grandpa Jiang's place. But now, he seemed as if he had suffered a heavy blow.

Jiang Zhida originally had good intentions—to let the children relax and have some fun at home after their studies. After playing the slot machine at home, his interest in the outside world should have diminished.

He treated Jiang Weixian as a child with self-control, similar to Cen Huai'an and Zhang Lu. Little did he know that Weixian would secretly play behind adults' backs and even learn to lie for money.

Grandpa Jiang interjected, "Dazi, don't bring things like game consoles here in the future. Huaying, Xiao Han, and Weixian's actions are my responsibility as a grandfather."

Zhou Huaying looked at Grandpa Jiang but remained silent.

She now detested the game console in Grandpa Jiang's house, and everyone associated with it had become targets of her resentment.

Bai Han, more rational than Zhou Huaying, spoke to Grandpa Jiang, "Grandpa, Weixian is the son of Zhijie and I. His behavior is our failure in education and has nothing to do with you."

Whether Bai Han truly harbored resentment in her heart was not evident from her face. Since the arrival of Chu Xia, her expression had been consistently cold, showing no change.

Although Grandpa Jiang felt uncomfortable, the game console was in his possession, and he had tacitly approved of it. However, as Bai Han said, there were too many generations between him and Jiang Weixian, and Bai Han clearly didn't want anyone to interfere in Weixian's education.

The atmosphere in the living room fell silent for a while, becoming somewhat oppressive. Chu Xia noticed that Grandpa Jiang's shoulders drooped.

"Grandpa, let me check your pulse." She stood up, walked towards Grandpa Jiang, and broke the stagnant air.

"I've been doing rural outreach programs for so long and haven't had time to visit Grandpa. Grandpa, how do you feel now?"

Even Luo Peng, holding Jiang Weixi, sensed the shift in the atmosphere. She silently ate the candy Luo Peng stuffed into her mouth and didn't say a word.

Feeling the change in the atmosphere, she immediately raised her hand and said, "Auntie, Great-Grandpa secretly ate braised pork last time! I caught him!"

Chu Xia looked at Grandpa Jiang and smiled somewhat helplessly, "Grandpa, you haven't been obedient lately."

Grandpa Jiang tried to pull his arm back, but Chu Xia quickly grabbed it and checked his pulse. "In this past month, Grandpa, you've probably eaten secretly more than once, right?"

Grandpa Jiang put his sleeve down and stubbornly said, "Only Xi Xi saw that time."

Chu Xia remarked, "It would be more convincing if you wipe off the pastry crumbs from your mouth."

Chu Xia speculated that, before the dispute between Zhou Huaying, Bai Han, and Jiang Zhida erupted, Grandpa Jiang had been sneaking sweets.

Grandpa Jiang hurriedly wiped his mouth and indeed found some pastry crumbs. He fell silent, avoiding eye contact with Chu Xia, behaving like a child.

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