Chapter 99: Business Trip, Celebrating The New Year In The Northwest

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Because she hadn't encountered Guan Yan and her son again afterwards, Chu Xia temporarily put this matter aside.

But after returning home, she instructed Cen Huai'an, "Qi Ming and his mother are approaching us with a purpose. Be careful when you encounter them in the future."

Cen Huai'an helped Chu Xia arrange the roast duck they bought today and responded with a "Hmm" upon hearing her words.

He didn't like Qi Ming and wouldn't have much contact with him in the future.

Shi Qin, who was pregnant, did not tell anyone else, but she spoke to others in the family compound about Chu Xia's medical skills, praising her proficiency in medicine.

Someone argued against her, saying, "She just graduated from college, has little experience, and can't possibly have the level of an experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioner."

Shi Qin debated loudly, "You haven't gone to Chu Xia for treatment. How do you know if her medical skills are not comparable to those old Chinese doctors? I went and saw her before saying this."

People in the family compound no longer paid attention to Chu Xia, immediately asking Shi Qin why she went for treatment and where she was ill. Some were genuinely concerned, while others were purely gossiping.

Shi Qin didn't want to disclose her gynecological condition, but if she didn't explain why she went for treatment, she feared people would speculate about her illness.

Since she was almost three months pregnant, Shi Qin directly said, "I'm pregnant. She diagnosed it with just a pulse, gave me various precautions patiently, and my urine test results matched exactly what she said."

"You're pregnant?"

"How many months?"

"Is the reaction strong?"

These people didn't have any urgent health concerns, weren't interested in Chu Xia's medical skills, but were more intrigued by Shi Qin's pregnancy.

Shi Qin knew that few people went to Chu Xia for medical treatment, so she thought of helping to promote her within the family compound. Unexpectedly, she ended up feeling mentally exhausted from all the questions about herself.

She barely managed to find an excuse to leave the enthusiastic neighbors in the family compound and ran to Chu Xia's house, where she first had a glass of warm water.

"What's wrong? It looks like there's a wolf chasing you from behind." Chu Xia looked at Shi Qin, who was slightly out of breath, and poured her another glass of water.

Sitting on the sofa, Shi Qin took a deep breath and said, "The gossiping women in our family compound are scarier than wolves. I couldn't fend off their questions."

Sitting beside her, Chu Xia casually asked while sipping water, "What did they ask you?"

Shi Qin recounted the conversation she had just had with the neighbors in the family compound, and sighed, "I just wanted to help you get a few more patients. Why are they only concerned about my pregnancy?"

Chu Xia looked at her with a somewhat helpless expression, "Thanks for your publicity. Because you're in front of them, and pregnancy is something everyone is interested in, they temporarily don't care about my medical skills. However, your publicity should still be effective. Maybe one day, when they need medical attention, they'll remember me."

Shi Qin nodded, feeling that Chu Xia's words made sense.

"Can you check on the baby for me now?"

It's been a while since the last checkup, and Shi Qin's lower abdomen hasn't shown any signs yet. After the morning sickness subsided, she didn't feel anything and always had a surreal feeling.

Transmigrated to a Period Novel as the Genius Antagonist's Birth MotherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora