Chapter 62: Departure

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Before the final of the Go competition, Chu Xia went to No. 9 High School for a visit.

Previously, the Director of the Academic Affairs Office who agreed for her to take the transfer test and admitted her, so Chu Xia was preparing to go to the capital. She planned to only mention the pre-exam and the college entrance exam when she arrived, and she was also prepared to discuss it with him first.

After listening to Chu Xia, the director's brow furrowed tightly: "Student Luo, you really know how to give me a difficult problem. Let me think about it, let me think about it."

The director also knew that if No. 9 High School did not agree, with Chu Xia's family having a certain educational background, she could directly transfer her school registration to a key high school in the capital.

But now, Chu Xia's grades were already the best in the whole school, and her scores were still improving every time. The Headmaster had been paying attention, and they were all fantasizing about whether Chu Xia would create an even bigger miracle during the college entrance exam.

No. 9 High School had never achieved first place in the city or the province in the college entrance exam. Which school wouldn't want to have such an achievement?

After pacing for a while, the director looked up at Chu Xia and seemed to have made a decision. He walked out from behind his desk and said, "Student Luo, you wait in my office first. I'll go ask the Headmaster."

He hurriedly left the office with his somewhat overweight figure, still furrowing his brows.

Chu Xia sat in his office, patiently waiting. She looked up and her gaze met the leadership portraits and quotes from the Analects on the opposite wall.

Chu Xia began to read those quotes, recalling the Analects she had memorized and the stories within it. She thought to herself that tonight, she would tell her son a bedtime story about an event that happened when Confucius traveledaround the word.

Just as she was thinking this, the director came in, wiped his sweat, and smiled at Chu Xia, saying, "Alright, the headmaster has agreed to your request. But the next exam is next week, so the headmaster wants you to take the exam before leaving."

The director did not mention what had happened in the headmaster's office to Chu Xia.

At first, the headmaster didn't say anything after the director finished speaking, just furrowing her brows and looking at him.

The director thought the headmaster didn't agree, so he started to speak well of Chu Xia, saying that she was bringing her child, her husband was in another city, and it was only natural for her to want to reunite with her family.

Moreover, Chu Xia's family could definitely help her transfer her school registration, and with her current grades, she would be wanted anywhere. Her willingness to stay at No. 9 High School and take the college entrance exam as a student of the school is good for No. 9 High School.

"Headmaster, judging by Luo Chu Xia's continuous and aggressive progress, it's highly possible that she might achieve the top scores in the city or even the province. By then, who would dare look down on our No. 9 High School!"

"Not to mention how many internal test papers from key high schools she's shared with our sophomore class. We can't let others say that No. 9 High School is heartless and unreasonable."

The director's statement is, of course, an exaggeration; he just doesn't want to lose such an excellent student.

The headmaster looked at him, still wearing a serious expression: "I did not disagree with Luo Chu Xia's request."

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