"Sunday mornings" 《Concept 1》

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Author's POV:

It's a beautiful sunday morning in the Kim household and the inseparable brothers are sitting on the dining table, having breakfast.

What a dream!

Yes a dream because nothing can ever be peaceful in this house as long as their little troublemaker Googie is awake!

But do they mind?

Ofcourse not! They love him to the moon and back so they obviously love everything he does.

Even when things can get a little out of hands sometimes like right now, on an early sunday morning.

So apparently little bun-bun doesn't want to have anything other than pancakes for breakfast but like a caring mother Jin wants him to have his veggies.

And now like every sunday Gguk is throwing a tantrums by covering his mouth with his tiny little hands so that Jin can't put the spoonful of carrots and broccoli in his mouth.

Sitting on his Yoonie's lap he's shakes his head as Jin tells him remove his hands.

Jin sighs tired as he was trying to coax Gguk to eat atleast half of the serving from past half hour.

But who was he even kidding?

Gguk was a Stubborn child.

"I'm asking you for the last time, love! Please baby, just a little bit" asked Jin exhausted.

Gguk shook his head still having his hands on his mouth.

Jin sighed and placed the bowl of veggies on the table infront of him. The action made a rather loud noise which was unintentional of course.

Hearing the loud noise Gguk flinched and his doe eyes turned teary.

"N-ninnie m-mad at G-goo?" asked Gguk and everyone present in the room felt a pang in their hearts.

Jin felt guilty as he should have been more careful knowing how sensitive Gguk was.

"No baby, Ninnie can never be mad at his heart!" said Jin and cupped Gguk's face.

"Never, love never!" said Jin and kissed Gguk's forehead.

"Now will you please try eating a little bit, hun? For hyungie please, love!" Jin tried coaxing again.

"N-nu don' w-wan" stuttered Gguk and softly shook his as his doe eyes glistened with new tears.

"No no bambi, don't cry!" hurriedly said Namjoon.

"Hyung look he's crying. Please let him go this time." again tried Joon as he couldn't stand the sight of Gguk's huge starry eyes having tears in them.

"He's right hyung! Let it slide this time please" Yoongi spoke this time while caressing Gguk's soft palms to calm him down.

"Yes hyung please!" everyone except Jinkook claimed in unison.

"Pwetty pwease!" now even Gguk tried and fluttered his eyelashes making his doe eyes look cuter and even more glittery.

But Jin wasn't going to melt this time. "No don't try Goo, not this time! This weapon isn't gonna work this time. And you guys too don't even try! You know I'm doing this for his health. I don't need anymore drama today understand? "

"Yes hyung" everyone said in unison.

"And you Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi. Do you guys think it's ok to behave this way? I mean I understand that you love him and I do too but it isn't sensible and mature enough of you to agree to his wrong doings. It's important for him to have his veggies. We don't want our bubba to fall sick now do we?" scolded Jin.

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