A Passion Coming From The Depths Of Space... - ENG

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Do you know? I'm not sure, but I have to confess something to you.

You are the only person in this life that I'm afraid of losing, apart from my family. And believe me, I don't know who to trust!

Do you know? I don't know! But I apologize to you for the foolish things I did in the past, and in a way, I'm not sorry!

I, who even felt ashamed when I saw you; as I learned more about you, I was getting more beautiful.

On the wooden table under the window in the summer, I used to watch the sky at night and imagine you.

That's childhood...

12/07/2020 - 06:11 / A passion coming from the depths of space...

Hüsameddin Doğuş YAMAN

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