Chapter 8

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I can't breathe, it's all going dark, it comes in like a black cloud ready to create chaos

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I can't breathe, it's all going dark, it comes in like a black cloud ready to create chaos. I try to breathe through my nose but it ends up burning and stinging. The water fill up in my lungs and I feel so much pain what I can't describe.

My hair is pulled back ripping the hairs of my scalp. I'm met with a bright light with two shadows in my eye site. After a bit of waiting it gets less blurry and I remember what happened a few minutes ago.

From were I disrespected Mr Ward and Mr Clark so they took me to the torture room and got a bowl of boiling hot water and surmeged my head in and kept doing this repeatedly over and over again.

"P-please I'm so-sorry I w-won't do it a-again." I stuttered out hoping they will take pitty but who am I kidding there crazy lunatics. They look at me and smirk. Not a good sign. 

"Come on morella were just having some fun." Mr Ward evily smirks and bends down to my level. By the way when I say my level I mean on the floor choking. Mr Clark beside him does the same and twirls a piece of my hair in his finger.

"I thought we taught you better then that. Or do we have to go through that all again." Mr Clark smirks and my eyes widen in fear. I'm not going through all they again or I won't be able to survive.

"Please I p-promise I'll b-be go-good." my eyes turn blurry again as I feel my body shutting down to escape the pain. But of course we can't have that so they grab me by the hair again and push my head under.

The steaming hot water was burning my face.
Screaming under the water trying to find a way to feel anything but this.

Why me, what have I honestly done to deserve this? Why can't anyone love me? I'm just so tired of everything.

The one person I trusted with my life, my best friend, my brother, left me after saying he will always be there for me. He betrayed me and left me to pick up the broken pieces.

Finally after what seemed like hours they lifted my head from the water and shoved me to the floor. My gaze got darker and blurry, the last thing I saw was two evil smirks aimed at me.

Waking up gasping for air as my mind was all fuzzy and couldn't focus on a single thing. There not here there gone your safe your with your brothers and father. Even though some of them are assholes.

After having dinner I said my goodbyes and went to bed after doing my skin care and whatever shit and well now I woke up from a nightmare or more like a memory.

Waiting a bit to calm down my breathing I got out of bed a went to the bathroom to get ready. I put some light makeup on and put on a comfy hoodie and joggers with my hair up.

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