She dropped the bag right bellow my feet and I heard the credits shake.

"Your crazy for doing this behind Vipers back. What ever happened to letting it go?"

"I was talking about your anger. Not your credits. You have every right to them-but there are other ways to get what you deserve. Without, violence." I rolled my eyes as I opened up the bag.

It was full of my share. I looked up to Dawn and gave her a small smirk. She then sits next to me and orders her usual drink and meal from the bar tender.

He then presented our drinks to us after a few minutes had past. Dawn and I took our drinks and toasted together our success on the job.

"Honestly Dawn...I don't understand you at all. You don't throw love throwing punches at people, but you certainly enjoy sneaking behind their back when they ain't lookin" I said to her.

"I'm more into stealth and keeping off the grid kind of girl. Loud destruction and head on attacks, not so much."

"Well, you're certainly good at it. Maybe you can give me a few pointers." She smiled and chuckled before taking another drink.

"Well if you want a few pointers, you're gonna have to do what I say. When I say it!" She looked at me with a smirk. I then rolled my eyes at her and resumed to my own beverage.

"No promises!" She then patted me on the back. "There's hope for you yet Scarlet." Honestly that pat on the back made me cringe a bit, so I started brushing it off.

"Just don't tell the team. Otherwise we're gonna have problems" I said glaring at her in the eyes.

"Your secret safe with me Scarlet!" Of course she would reply with a smile. It's like nothing can scare this girl.

But for now, it's okay in my book.


( 3rd Person POV )

Scarlet and Dawn continued to talk and enjoy their drinks together.

Dawn truly was really breaking through Scarlets stubborn hard cold heart.

Although she was NEVER going to admit that in front of her.

While they ordered another round of drinks someone approached Scarlet, tapping her on the shoulder.

She turned her head slowly and looked at him with eyes that showed no trace of emotions.

Before her stood a human man, with long blond hair, wearing a tan tunic that stretched down to his knees.

A thick brown belt was rapped around his waste, and he had torn up pants underneath. He looked health and a bit in shape. But to Scarlet, he was just a stranger. Nothing more.

"Hey beautiful" the man said. "How did you become so beautiful? Hmm, I'm surprised nobody snatched you up when they had the chance."

He said each word seductively and slowly.

But Scarlet wasn't moved or impacted by the words. Nothing moved her heart.

"Maybe that's because I threatened them if they ever laid a hand on me. The only way somebody would ever laid a hand upon me is if I allowed it."

"Ha ha ha ha, my my my you surely are a feisty one. I like that." He then sat next to Scarlet and looked at her with his grey eyes.

"Why don't we take this feistiness of yours and take it to a private room" he asked slowly.

"No." Scarlet said bluntly. At first the man was surprised but then he composed himself. Then he tried again.

"Oh come on. I know on the outside you may act tough. But on the inside you could really use a good time. Come on, relax, sit back, and....I'll make sure to give you the best time of your life."

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