Chapter 7

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Planet: Nar Shaddaa:

System: Y'Toub

City: New Vertica

( Scarlets POV )

Our ship exited out of hyperspace and began its descent into Nar Shaddaa.

I was in my bed staring into the roof of my eye lids as I felt the ship jerk to a slower pace.
Dawn was getting her wound patched up, Viper was in the control room contacting our client, and the boys were counting the amount of beskar we acquired.

We were very lucky to have escaped that cold planet with our lives.

Don't get me wrong, we've been on more dangerous missions then this one. But when it comes to not working together as a team, and we nearly get killed int the end, that's when our missions get risky.

Some would call us bounty hunters. But we are not bounty hunters, we are a team of mercenaries.

We choose which jobs to take, and take whatever looks interesting to us for our own personal interests.

But of course the only missions we take are the ones that offer more money-even warriors have to make a living for themselves.

I finally opened my eyes and slowly got out of my bed. My room was all decorated just as I left it.

Weapons, posters of my favorite music artists, my favorite plants, a large wooden chest with my personal belongings, and of course my guitar, 'which hung on the wall across from my bed.'

Feeling a little filthy from all of the cardio done on our previous mission, I decided to take a quick shower.

Taking a shower sometimes calms me down and helps me to get my thoughts off off certain things.

Once I finished and got dressed and proceeded out of my room and wondered throughout the halls of 'the Red Main.'

That was the name of the ship. We've had her for years and she's really shown the galaxy that she's a ship to be reckoned with!

She was a pretty big ship. Fast, stealthy, and she always has a few surprises stored up her sleeve every time anyone attempts to mess with her.

The Red Main has six bedrooms, a family room, a large entertainment space, an observation deck and a huge kitchen area.

She was pretty much an apartment with big guns and a hyperdrive core all in one.

I entered into the family room and saw Dawn on the couch. She was picking at her bandages co wrong her shoulder wound.

"Agh ouch!"

"Hey" I started at her. "How many times have I told you to stop picking at your bandages? They're helping the medicine do its work so if you don't want an infection, stop picking at your wound."

She rolled her eyes and pulled her short sleeve over the bandage.

"I can't help it. This thing itches more then it heals."

"Well then next time try not to get hit by blaster fire and practice what you taught me. 'Keep your eyes sharp and your corners checked.'"

"Thank you so much for that wonderful piece of advice you shared with the class young lady. You get an A+ for strategy class" Dawn responded sarcastically.

On the inside I was smiling with a big smirk because I loved reminding the team of what they taught me. Especially when they mess up. But I wasn't gonna show Dawn my smile.

In this job emotions cloud your focus and concentration. To be a mercenary you have to have a sharp mind. When it comes to living out here in the Outer Rim 'especially Hutt Space,' there's only one rule. Live or Die!

PLANET 65 (A Star Wars Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora