Chapter 1

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! 2023 is now in the past and HELLO TO 2024!!! Without further a due, I present to you my first book, "PLANET 65!!!"

( 3rd Person POV )

Darius King was lying down in bed caught in a deep sleep. His body began to twist and move uncontrollably.

In his mind darkness was the only thing that he could see. Suddenly, a dream began to emerge from the darkness forming an image before him.

In his dream he saw the same thing he always saw. He was underwater. Air bubbles floated before him, lightning flashed above the surface, fear and tearer overtaking his thoughts as he swam aggressively in the water.

He looked below him and saw a little girl with blonde hair struggling to swim as she sank into the darkness below. He could hear her panicking as she moved her body violently trying to swim.

"Help me!" A voice echoed in his head. "Darius Help me Please! HELP ME DARIUS, HELP ME!!!!!"

The voice echoed into his mind over and over again. Everything began to flash before him like a holocam taking pics.

Lighting flashes, the air bubbles increase, the fear became unbearable, the girls face fades away-her eyes filled with helplessness staring directly at Darius.

Suddenly a loud noise breaks through the dream waking Darius up from his dream!

He felt a cold sweat covering his whole upper body. His eyes looked all around to see that he was still in his run down apartment. On his nightstand, 'which was located on the right side of his bed,' he saw his alarm clock going off. He then reached over to check the time. 6 am.

He shut the alarm off as he slowly got out of bed. Sweat still covered his face and upper body. He tried to relax his breathing.

This was the seventh time he had the same dream this month. He put his face in his hands and ran his fingers through his long dark brown hair.

Sometimes he wished that the dream would leave him alone and let him sleep in peace. But they weren't going anywhere-the dreams were here to stay. But to be honest they felt more like nightmares to him rather then dreams.

After getting his thoughts in order he began a few sets of push ups to warm up for the day.

Darius then began packing a bag filled with his cloths along with other items for work. Once he was done he left the apartment and headed towards the door.

A bright and warm sun covers the city of Coruscant. People were out and about their day, and as usual the transports and speeders flew left and right throughout the city sky.

Darius walked to the edge of his street waiting for the public transport to arrive. A few people were already in line. Some were with children and loved ones, while others carried bags or talked on their holo devices.

He turned to his right to see a family. A human man, a Twi'lek woman and their little girl. She looked at Darius and made an innocent wave toward him.

He looks away from her when the nightmare flashes before him again. 'Why can't I just forget about it,' he thought to himself.

That's all he wanted to do was forget about the nightmare. But he couldn't forget about it, and the reason he couldn't was because it wasn't a dream. It was a memory.

The transport finally arrived and once it came to a stop everyone started to board. Darius sat all the way to the back row closing himself off from everyone else.

Once the transport was full, the doors closed, the engines started up and they were off flying out into all of Coruscant.


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