Chapter 3

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"Okay Scarlet, you told Viper you could get to the prize, now how exactly are you gonna do that with those heat detectors blocking your way!!!?"

Dawn was still pretty upset at me for lying to Viper. But what else was I suppose to tell him-'oh I'm sorry Viper but unfortunately I don't know how to get to the prize without tripping the alarm. Sorry better luck next time!'

Yeah no I'm not going back home empty handed. Plus the last thing I wanted to do was spend the rest of my life hearing him scream in my ear over this.

"WELL" Dawn said to me, still expecting an answer.

"I'M THINKING I'M THINKING, just give me a minute will ya?"

"Well we're gonna get caught standing here if you don't hurry up!"

Honestly this girl needs to breath or take a chill pill because raising her voice at me isn't helping.

I began to pace back and fourth trying to think of a way to not set off the detectors. Until suddenly I started to notice something odd about the flooring.

I crouched down to take a closer look. While observing the flooring I saw that there were tiles much darker then the others.

Looking around I saw that there were more of these dark tiles placed in specific spots throughout the floor.

I smiled once I realized what they were. I've seen this kind of set up before. It's a booby trap yes, but it's one that can be by passed, if you know where to step.

I started to giggle inside. Obviously Dawn noticed my behavior because she then said asked,

"Okay, what's so funny?"

"What's funny is that I've seen this security system before. Remember that old game 'Credits and Mines?"

She looked at me taken off guard by the question. "Ah yeah but what does a game have to do with our current situation?"

"Because this system is exactly like the game only instead of looking for credits in a minefield, I have to get through the minefield in order to retrieve the credits."

"Okay but that still doesn't make sense as to how that helps........"

"You see these tiles?" She looked where I was pointing and then nodded. "Watch this."

"Watch wha......SCARLET WHAT ARE YOU.....SCARLET DON'T!!!!!!!"

I stepped on one of the tiles. Dawn covered herself preparing for the worst. But once she realized that the alarms didn't go off, she looked back at me in confusion.

I started laughing with humor.

"What!? Why did the alarms not go off, you just stepped on one of the tiles" Dawn asked me.

"Because the tiles that are a bit darker then the rest, those are the ones I need to step on. There the only ones that don't have heat detectors. All I have to do is walk on the right ones."

"And if you step on the wrong ones?"

"Then we're all screwed. Now be quiet I need to concentrate." Dawn put her hands up ending the conversation there.

While walking through the heat detectors I made sure to watch every step I took-steady, slowly and efficiently.

I lost my balance a few times and nearly tripped on the floor, but I was able to compose myself and keep on going.

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