

Herman T. O'brien


I looked back up at Coal who was standing in front of my with the saddest eyes I think I had ever seen on him. The letter shook in my hands as I came to the reality of the situation.

"There were pictures, tape recordings, samples of god knows what. It's like she was stalking us the whole time." He slumped back on the couch.

Tears streamed down my cheeks faster and faster the longer I thought about him going into that war. "NO! You can't go! I won't let you!"

"Sapphire I have no choice! I'll get locked away for good if I don't go! And who knows maybe I could stop this war."

"The war isn't just going to stop if one person is there! It doesn't matter! So I won't let you go!"

"Sapphire," he stood up and tried wrapping me in his arms but I pushed him away. "I have to go. There's nothing I can do."

"There has to be something! How can you be okay with this!"

"You think I'm okay with this!" He raised his voice over mine. "Look at me! Do I look fucking okay! I'm drunk off my ass! Hell I invited Tony over the second I opened the mail! Tony for fuck sake! Because he was the only person I could think who could help me find a way to stay! Fuck!" He ran his fingers through his hair.

"And what did Tony say."

"He said there was nothing I could do and that he would take care of you for me."

"Sounds about right." I mumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"No! Tell me!

"Fine you want to know! Tony attacked me! Okay! He was about to go all in if it wasn't for me talking my way out of it all!" My head started to burn with anger.

"When did this happen!"

"I don't know! like a month ago!"

"Why didn't you tell me!" Coal yelled, I had never heard him yell at me.

"Because I told him I wouldn't!"

"So now you're helping him! After he did that! Did he touch you! That mother fucker!" He paced to and fro across the living room, running his fingers back through his hair.

"No! It's complicated."

"What would you rather be with Tony then!"

"Of course not! What's wrong with you! Why would you say that?"

"That's sure as hell what it sounds like!" He took another swig from the bottle of vodka that sat on the table.

"Oh yeah and getting even more drunk is really helping the situation! God! Is this how you solve all your problems? Alcohol!"

"What else am I supposed to do! How am I supposed to cope with leaving you here alone! With him of all people! Hell you'll probably end up leaving with him or something!"

"STOP BEING SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT!" Everything went silent, "I can't believe you." I walked away down the hall. Before I knew what happened Coal pushed me against the wall.

"DON'T- don't walk away from me..." He had me caged in with his arms on either side of my head. I could clearly smell the liquor on his breath.

"Get off of me." I pushed him off of me against the opposite wall. I turned around and walked into the bedroom closing the door behind me. I pressed my back against the door making sure he couldn't get in.

Control Me (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now