Chapter 17

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You wake up slowly to the sound of birds tweeting and students laughing. Blinking, you sit up slowly and raise your hand to block the sunlight. Immediately, the sound of a blind being drawn is heard before ending with a click. You jumped and looked around at the strange surroundings. You were in an office. You sniffed hesitantly. You smelt tea, chocolate and dog.

The sound of paper shuffling made you jump and you looked in the direction of the sound. Professor Lupin was stacking paper as quietly as possible. When he noticed you looking he smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry." He said softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit..." You mumbled.

Lupin hummed and poured tea in a cup. He put sugar and a powdery white substance into the cup, stirred and offered it to you. You looked at the cup with suspicion. Lupin smiled warmly.

"I'm not the bad guy *Name*." He said. "I put a headache powder into the tea. It'll help."

You hesitantly take the cup and sniffed. Lupin chuckled and leaned back in his chair.

"It's not poisoned. I swear." He said and went back to his paperwork.

You raised an eyebrow and take a tentative sip. The tea tasted sweet but had a bitter taste. You winced at the taste but relaxed immediately when your headache subsided. Lupin smiled at you again.

"Hungry?" He asked.

You nodded slowly and got off the floor. Something fell onto the floor with a 'fwump'. You looked at it, startled. It was a grey blanket that smelled like Lupin. You kicked it aside and sat down on the wooden chair you slid off earlier, wrapping your hands around the cup.

Looking down, you noticed the tea wasn't black, although it didn't smell like it had milk in it. Instead, the colour was a deep, rich purple. You take a sip and jump when a plate with a croissant on it appeared in your vision. You take the plate and put it on your lap, picking at it. Sandwiched in the croissant was a tomato, ham and cheese.

A loud 'clatter' made you jump again and you looked up at Lupin. He had put a plate on his desk and was munching on his croissant. You were confused. You had to broach this matter. But you were scared.

For fucks sake *Name*! You chastised yourself quietly, angrily. You're a Malfoy for Merlin's sake. Malfoys don't get scared. They face their problems head on... Unless if you're a Black.

Taking a deep breath in you spoke.

"I don't understand." You said quietly, still picking at the croissant.

"Hm?" Lupin asked, mouth full of croissant and a confused expression on his face. He swallowed his food. "Understand what?"

With another deep breath in, mostly to keep yourself calm, you spoke again.

"You're a werewolf. Aren't you meant to be... Evil? Try to kill me?" You shrugged one shoulder up.

Lupin sighed and put his croissant down. He put his elbows on the table, interlocked his fingers together and put his head on the intertwined fingers. He leaned forward.

"And yet you're drinking my tea." He said. "Eating my food."

You placed the food and drink down, now apprehensive. Maybe facing your problems wasn't a good idea. That never went well. Lupin chuckled.

"Relax." He takes his elbows off the table and leaned back. "If I wanted to kill you you would've died long ago."

You felt sick at that. "But what if you were planning on doing that? What if you were trying to gain my trust then kill me?" You mumbled, now picking at the sleeve of your shirt. Lupin raised an eyebrow.

"Why on Earth would I do that?!" Lupin asked, incredulous. "Because you're a werewolf?"

You inhaled sharply at that and choked on thin air. Lupin watched you patiently. You looked up at him with wide eyes.

"You knew?!" You asked, tensing up.

Lupin nodded.

"When?!" You were now very confused.

"Ever since I first invited you into my office after a full moon. I could see the symptoms in you. You didn't look well but you looked alright for an eleven year old werewolf." Lupin leaned forward. "I have a question. Why are you so scared around werewolves?"

"Uhh." You stared at the cup on the floor at your feet, unsure if you should tell him. You made a decision. You made it this far. Might as well tell him. "My father kicked me out when I was nine-"

"When he discovered your... Problem." Lupin interrupted, nodding.

You nod. "When I was ten, a month before I turned eleven, I ran into a pack of werewolves. They invited me to join their pack." You close your eyes and take a shuddering breath in, trying to remain calm. Trying to keep the traumatic memories from surfacing. "Turned out they were a cult. I fell asleep and woke up to a sharp slicing pain in my arm. I was tied down on a stone slab. They tried to sacrifice me to these gods so... So that they..."

You couldn't finish. It was too much. Something grabbed your hand and you jumped, looking up. Turned out that during your explanation of your traumatic time Lupin had moved to kneel in front of you. Sympathy was in his eyes.

"I think I know what that cult was. The Tapatapa Cult. (I wasn't feeling very creative so you get this mkay?). Notorious for worshipping the Norse gods." He sighed and looked down. "I'm not like that. I can't speak for all werewolves but I'm not like that. I promise you. I tried to find a cure for my lycanthropy but I think I'm just stuck with this."

You nodded with understanding. Lupin smiled at you and hugged you. You tensed up but slowly relaxed into the hug. After a few seconds you two separated. Lupin pulled a pocket watch out from his pocket and looked at it.

"You should finish your tea and go to your dorm. Get some rest." He said and stood up.

You nodded and grabbed your tea, finishing it. Once you were done you stood and bid farewell to Lupin, who waved goodbye with a soft smile.

On your way to the Slytherin House you felt a bit lighter, knowing that Lupin wasn't evil. You may not have believed his words but you believe his actions. After all, actions speak louder than words.

Thinking about it, you kind of see him as a dad. He acted like a dad to you. He was more of a father than your father ever was to you. But you would keep that thought to yourself. Lock it in a box so it could never see the light of day again. After all, your father may be a Malfoy but your mother was a Black by blood.

And Blacks never revealed their feelings. They hid them, burying them deep inside themselves so no one can ever see them. Only speaking about it when necessary.

White Wolf, Lone Wolf. (A Harry Potter fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now