Chapter 10

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You walked into the Forbidden Forest and looked around. Everything was dark, shrouded in shadows. Trees loomed over you, looking terrifying. A shiver ran up your spine but you shook it off. You had a time of the month (If you identify as female or have a female body you have two times of the months) (No offense to the FTM trans folks who can't transition just yet) (Y'all are fucking fabulous). This can't be that bad. And so, you hugged your books to your chest and clutched your bag strap before walking even further.

Noises you weren't even aware existed sounded around you. Clicking noises. Twigs being snapped. Hooves thundering in the distance. And the forest was so dark. You find a clearing and sit down, taking your books out. You were about to study when a twig snapped.

You snap your head up and looked up. A centaur was watching you warily, pulling a bow taut, an arrow nocked. You tense up but slowly reach into your bag. The centaur's eyes narrow and he pulls the string even more taut, watching you for any threatening movements.

But you pulled an apple slowly from your bag and offered it to him. The centaur tilts his head, confused. You smiled softly and the centaur shifted his weight, unsure of what to make of your act of kindness. He takes a small step towards you, then another. Up close you can see a quiver of arrows slung over one shoulder and long messy blonde hair.

His eyes were a forest green. His skin was tan. The centaur stops two steps away from you. He let go of the bow, holding it with one hand and putting the arrow back in the quiver. He reached out a muscly arm and gently takes the apple. He looks at it then at you. The centaur brings the apple to his nose and sniffed it, most likely seeing if he could detect any poison.

But he couldn't smell any poison. You watched him, slowly lowering your arm. The centaur watches you as he takes a bite. He chews for a bit then swallows. After a while he smiles softly, awkwardly. As if he didn't know how to smile. You looked at his lower half, admiring the gorgeous off white colour. His tail swished, as if he knew you were admiring his horse half.

You looked back at the horse, staring into his astonishing forest green eyes. The centaur puts his fist, the one holding the apple, on his chest and bowed his head. You put your fist on your chest and also bowed your head.

"Kael." He rasped and you jumped, looking up.

"Pardon?" You asked.

"Kael." He rasped again.

You froze. Did the centaur just speak or did you imagine it? You quickly responded, so as to not upset him.

"Is that... Your name?" You asked and he nods, looking back up at you. You smiled softly. "*Name*."

Kael grinned, showing sharp teeth. He reached into his quiver and took out a beautifully crafted bow. He hands it out to you.

"It's called Ala. It means 'To protect' in our language." He said and offered it to you. "Here. Take it. It's a gift. From me to you. A thank you for the apple."

You smile softly and take the bow, holding it close to your chest. You bowed your head and the centaur bows it's head back at you. Kael turned as if to leave. Then, he looked back at you.

"We'll look for you in the stars. Your kindness will forever be in my heart. I'll tell everyone of your kindness and we'll look out for you, *Name*." Then, he walked away, his hooves clip clopping softly on the ground.

You watched him leave, somehow feeling lighter. As if you accomplished something most people wouldn't be able to accomplish.

You looked back down at your homework with a small smile. You had befriended a centaur. Something most people wouldn't have been able to do.

White Wolf, Lone Wolf. (A Harry Potter fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now