Chapter 7

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The next day you entered Potions and sat down. Snape walked into the classroom and stopped at your desk.

"Why are you sitting there and not near my desk?" He asked with a sneer.

You grabbed your stuff and hurried to the desk near his desk. Snape followed you then stopped at his desk.

"And why weren't you in class yesterday?" He asked.

You looked down. "I had a headache and I wasn't feeling well." You mumbled.

Snape nodded. "The other night was a full moon." He said.

You looked up, your heart skipping a beat. "Are you insinuating something, Professor?" You asked.

Snape shook his head. "No no. I'm just saying it's a little suspicious you weren't in class the next day after a full moon."

You glare at him. "It's not suspicious, Professor. I wasn't feeling well."

Snape nods and turns to the class. "Alright. Today you're going to be brewing the Draught of the Living Death." He gestured to the shelves. "On these shelves will be the ingredients you need. Turn to page 100."

You opened your book to page 100, then stood up and walked to the shelves. You grabbed a jar of something and immediately dropped it. Images assaulted your mind.

A man with no nose rising from the dead.

Someone's hand being outstretched, glowing blue.

A person running away from a manor, tons of death eaters chasing after them.

Dragons flying in front of Hogwarts.

You come out of the trance, blinking. Someone was yelling at you. You turned around and saw Snape, standing there looking furious. He was yelling at you. You put your head down so nobody could see the tears in your eyes.


Tears spring to your eyes and your breathing stopped. You put your head down and Snape breathed in. He closed his eyes.

"Just... Clean up your mess. You're not going to make any Potions today." He turned and walked away.

You nod and crouched to clean up your mess. As you cleaned up your mess your mind wandered. What was that you saw? Was that a vision? If so, a vision of what? And why was there Dragons at the school? And who was the mysterious no nosed man that rose from the dead?

You finished cleaning and stood up. You walked to your desk and sat down. Well, since you won't be doing anything you might try to force another a vision. You put your head in your hands and thought about the visions. There was something about those visions. Something was warning you. You hoped you could get another warning.

But nothing happened. You frowned. Maybe it was all in your head. You sighed and opened your textbook. You're just going to study. That's all you're going to do.

After class you were on your way to Transfiguration when you were feeling dizzy. You stumbled backwards and clutched at the bannister. Draco walked past you but he gave you a look. He stopped at the top of the stairs and started talking to his friend.

Your eyes fluttered shut and you fell down the stairs, darkness taking you.

You stood in your family Manor. Your heart stopped and you stepped forward. You haven't been here since you were nine years old. You looked around, confused. Then, you heard yelling.

You followed the noise to Lucius's office. Narcissa was standing at the mahogany desk, both of her hands placed on the surface. She was glaring at her husband with tears rolling down her cheeks. Lucius had his back turned to her, holding a glass of whiskey. He calmly took a sip but you could tell that he was also angry.

"I don't understand why you won't let them back in their own home!" Narcissa yelled.

Lucius sighed and swirled his whiskey around slowly. "It's because they are a monster Cissa. How many times do I have to tell you this?" He said calmly.

Narcissa took one hand off the desk and ran her hand through her blonde hair. She breathed in sharply, trying to calm herself down.

"They may be a-"

"Don't say it Narcissa." Lucius interrupted sharply, looking over his shoulder.

Narcissa sighed angrily. "They may be a that but they aren't a monster. They are still part of the Malfoy family!" She placed her hand back on the desk.

Lucius downed his drink, turned around and threw it at Narcissa's feet. Narcissa flinched but she didn't take a step back. You admired her bravery. Lucius walked around the desk and pointed a finger at his wife.

"No monster is part of the Malfoy family! What is our motto?" He growled.

Narcissa looked at her feet. "Purity will always conquer." She muttered.

Lucius nodded. "Yes. And monsters aren't pure. Their blood is tainted."

Narcissa looks at him. "But how is our child's blood tainted?! They're a pureblood like us!" She yelled.

Lucius's silver eyes flashed with anger. He grabs Narcissa's chin roughly. Narcissa winced.

"Their blood is tainted by monster blood! They! Aren't! Pure!" He yelled then let go of her chin and walked back to his desk. Lucius grabbed another glass and filled it with whiskey. "Trust me Narcissa. I'm doing this for our own good."

Narcissa nods and turns around to hide the tears in her eyes. She started to walk towards the door. Lucius sighed.

"But," Narcissa freezes, already at the door. "If you really want that thing back in our family then fine. I'll think about it. And if we do get them back in our family then we must take precautions."

Narcissa nods, her hand on the golden door handle. "Thanks my love."

Lucius smiles gently, his eyes softening. "You're welcome darling."

You felt your body levitating, leaving the Malfoy Manor. You were thankful that you were leaving. Being inside the Malfoy Manor spiritually just made you feel very uncomfortable.

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