Chapter 13

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You looked at the potion in your hand and uncorked it. Blue smoke curled up from a clear liquid. You sniffed the liquid and reared back. It smelt vile. You wrinkled your nose and sniffed it again. It didn't smell like poison. So why would Professor Lupin give this to you?

You sighed and took the potion. You lived this long. If he was going to kill you it would be now. The potion tasted horrible. You bent down, coughing.

It was the day of the full moon and you were already feeling nauseous. Headaches pounded in your head and for some odd reason your knee was hurting. You had told the students in your year to go to breakfast without you.

You stood up from your bed and swayed. The room spun around you and you could still taste the potion. But you needed fresh air. And so, you staggered out of the dorm room and tackled the difficult stairs. Eventually, the staggering turned to a slow walk. Your knee hurt so bad you could only slowly limp to fresh air.

It took you ten minutes to walk outside. It was cold outside, snow tumbled gently from the sky. But the cold didn't bother you much. It never did on full moons. You sighed and limped to the Forbidden Forest.

You liked the Forest. It was quiet. You have managed to befriend a centaur and save one. You planned to stay in the Forest until you transformed. You had no idea what the potion's affects were. You had no idea if it was poison. But if it was poison you would be dead right now. Right?

You frowned and thought about the various poisons you've researched. Most poisons takes hours, days or months.

You sit down on a log and wrapped your arms loosely around your legs. You heard hooves hitting the forest floor then stop. You look up and smile when you saw Kael and another centaur. Kael smiled at you.

"Enjoying a day off from class?" He asked.

You smiled. "We don't have any classes right now. It's Saturday."

Kael laughed softly and gestured to the centaur beside him. "This is Faeron."

You put your fist on your chest and bowed your head. Faeron did the same. When you straightened your head you smiled at the new centaur kindly. His horse half was chestnut and he had long black dreadlocks. His skin was dark and his eyes were grey.

"It is nice to meet you *Name*. Kael told me how you gave him an apple." Faeron said. His voice was deep.

You smiled softly. "And in return he gave me a bow."

"Ala." Faeron said and nodded. "We know. You deserve it. Not many people are kind to us beasts."

You chuckled. "I would stand and talk to you but my head is spinning."

Faeron and Kael tilted their heads. They shifted their weight, probably trying to get comfortable.

"Why?" Kael asked.

"I took a potion this morning." You made a face. "It was disgusting."

"Do you have the vial the potion was in with you?" Faeron asked.

You frowned. "Why?" You asked, putting your hand in your pocket to grab the vial.

"Faeron is skilled in alchemy. He can tell what a potion is with just a sniff of an empty vial." Kael explained.

Faeron takes the vial and brings it to his nose. He sniffs it and frowns, looking at you.

"Why do you have a Wolfsbane Potion with you?" He asked.

Wolfsbane Potion? You tilted your head.

"That's a Wolfsbane Potion?" You asked and Faeron nods.

"Are you... A werewolf?" He asked.

White Wolf, Lone Wolf. (A Harry Potter fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now