Chapter 2

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(For the sake of the story y'all are going to have certain traits. You'll keep your eye colour, and a little bit of your hair colour. But you will have platinum blonde stripes in your hair)


Lupin entered the DADA room and immediately could smell a werewolf. He frowned. A werewolf? At Hogwarts? This young? He looked around the room, trying to find the werewolf. But he couldn't find it. His heart ached with sympathy, sympathising for the werewolf that has been turned so young.

He made a decision. The students won't learn about grindylows. He would instead teach them about werewolves. To help the young werewolf.


You watched Lupin enter the classroom and stop. He seemed to be thinking about something. You watched the professor, waiting for him to do something. Then, Lupin walked to the front of the class. He stopped in front of his desk.

"Werewolves." He started. "Are dangerous. However. Lycanthropy is an interesting subject."

He paced back and forth then stopped. He pointed at a student.

"Eye colour of a werewolf?" He asked the student, his brown eyes fixated on the boy.

The boy dropped his wand, surprised. "Uh. It is amber?" He guessed.

Professor Lupin grinned. "Trick question. Anyone know the answer?"

You did. You raised your hand. Lupin pointed at you.

"Yes?" He asked.

"The eye colour of a werewolf varies sir." You said.

Lupin nodded. "Yes. I remember you. You got Sorted into Slytherin right?" You nodded. "Ten points to Slytherin. This is the first time a student actually answers a werewolf question correctly."

The professor paced. "To cure a werewolf bite you need to apply powdered silver and dittany to the bite wound."

You made a face. Well that information was completely useless.

Lupin continued. "Wolfsbane potion is usefel."

You were intrigued. You grabbed your quill and parchment. You needed to write this down.

"For it will allow the werewolf to keep their human mind during transformation." Lupin stopped at his desk, leaning against it.

You wrote down wolfsbane potion and frowned at it. You would have to look through every Potions textbook there is and find Wolfsbane Potion. After all, it is very important.

" Werewolves rarely have children. In fear that their children inherit their affliction." He looked around the class. "Silver is not their weakness."

Lupin took a deep breath in. You raised your hand. Lupin paced again, pointing at you.

"*Name*. Do you have a question?" He asked.

You nod. "What is the main ingredient of Wolfsbane Potion?" You asked, pretending to be curious.

"Well, it's in the name." Lupin smiled gently at the confused look you gave him. "Wolfsbane. It can be found in the Forbidden Forest."

You wrote wolfsbane under Wolfsbane Potion. This class was interesting. You liked it.

"Everyone turn to page 30 and write down dot points from that page." Lupin said and walked to his desk to sit down.

After class you left the room feeling even more confused. You saw one of Draco's leaning against a wall and frowned. What was he doing here? You hugged your books closer to your chest and made your way to Charms.

You heard footsteps and glanced over your shoulder. Draco's friend was following you, at a distance. You studied his friend. This friend was fat and short. His black beady eyes were on the ground. His blonde hair was cropped to his head. You shuddered and entered Charms class.

You sat down at the back and got your parchemnt and quill out. You were determined to be as powerful as your father. And to be as powerful as your father you had to listen in Charms.

A short man waddled in and flicked his wand. The blinds closed. Professor Flitwick stopped at the front of the class and looked around everyone.

"Parchment and quills away. Wands out." He commanded. "Today we're practising Lumos."

It was incredibly dark in Charms. You put your parchment and quill away and took your wand out. You were proud of your wand. You worked hard for it. Very hard. You cleaned wizards and witches houses and cooked for elderly witches that couldn't get up. You even helped an older witch named Bertram. She gave you quite a bit of money.

You gripped your wand gently. Flitwick smiled.

"Might need to tighten your grip miss." He said. "Trust me. When you're in battle you'd have to hold onto your wand."

You tightened your grip on the wand.

"Follow me students." Flitwick moved his wand up and back down in a loop.

You copied him, wondering how this would help with Lumos. But you kept quiet and followed Flitwick. After a while Flitwick nodded.

"Now. Say this. Lumos." He said.

The room filled with the murmur of soft voice. You looked at your wand and cleared your throat. You moved your wand up and down in a small loop.

"Lumos." You murmured.

The end of the wand lit up brightly, lighting the room up. Flitwick smiled.

"Excellent job Miss!" He said. "Who is your family? They must be incredibly powerful."

You shook your head. "I don't have a family." You say.

Flitwick's smile fell. "I'm sorry for your loss."

You nod your head. "Thank you Professor." You said.

"Now. Flick your wand and say 'Nox.'"

You looked at your wand and flicked it. "Nox."

The light extinguished quickly. Flitwick made a happy noise and clapped his hands. He knew that this exact student was special. Her power level matched that of Lucius Malfoy's. And that was special.

White Wolf, Lone Wolf. (A Harry Potter fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now