Chapter 8

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You woke up on a hospital bed. Blinding white light stabbed into your eyes. You groan as you sit up. You heard movement beside you and jumped, turning your head to look at whoever was sitting next to you. One of Draco's friends was smiling at you kindly. You got suspicious. Why was Draco's friend here? You try to sit up and wince when you feel a headache.

"Careful." Draco's friend said gently, his smile disappearing. "You hit your head."

You shuffled away from him, ending up on the edge of the bed. "Where am I?" You asked, looking around.

"In the hospital wing. You fell down a flight of stairs." He stands and gives you his hand. "Vincent Crabbe."

You look at the hand suspiciously. "*Name*." You said slowly.

Crabbe slowly puts his hand away. The doors open quietly and a woman walks in. She was old, with grey hair pulled into a low bun. A white cap was placed on her head. The woman walked to you and started checking. You flinched away from her and the woman gives you a look.

"Sit still won't you? I'm trying to help." She snapped.

You relaxed and the woman went back to checking on you. You wondered who she was. She looked like a nurse. The woman nods and stepped back, a satisfied look on her face.

"You seem to be in picture perfect health." She said. "But I want you to stay here overnight. Mr Crabbe here said you fell down a flight of stairs, hitting your head pretty hard on the wall."

You nodded. "Um. Can I have some water please?"

The nurse's eyes widen, realising that her patient needed water. "Oh. Of course dear!"

She ran away. Vincent smiled.

"I got homework for you. It's from Professor Snape." He reaches into his bag and pulled out a stack of paper. "Here."

He gives it to you. You look at it, reading it. You had to write an essay on the importance of Veritaserum. You sighed. You had a lot to catch up on. Vincent sighed as he stood up.

"Well. I have to go. Malfoy would be angry if I spent any longer then I was meant to here. Goodbye, *Name*."

You watch him leave, looking confused. Why was Draco letting Vincent Crabbe visit you? What was he planning? You sighed and the nurse came back with water. She gives it to you. You smile.

"Thank you Madam." You said and took a sip.

"Madam Pomfrey." The nurse smiled and leaves.

Your head was hurting and you weren't sure if it was because you were feeling confused or because you hit it. Probably both.

The next day, you were discharged at breakfast. You walked slowly to the Great Hall, still feeling a little light headed. You felt a presence at your side and looked. Professor Lupin was walking beside you, looking concerned.

"Everything alright professor?" You asked.

Lupin smiled. "We are alone, *Name*. You can call me Moony." He said.

You chuckled. "Sorry Moony. But is everything alright?"

He nods. "Yes. I heard what happened to you. So I'm checking on you. Making sure you get to the Great Hall just fine."

You smiled at his kindness. "Thank you prof-Moony. But I think I'll be fine."

Lupin ignored that and kept walking with you. You weren't sure if a teacher walking with you to the Great Hall and checking up on you was appropriate but you didn't care right now. For now, you'll take the kindness until he walks away from you. Until he starts calling you a monster.

White Wolf, Lone Wolf. (A Harry Potter fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now