The atmosphere was great. Everything smelled good, the air was filled with beautiful scents like cinnamon, vanilla and chocolate. Soft Christmas music played in the background on Felix's iPad and our cookies looked incredibly delicious already.

It was rare that I was able to not think of anything but right at that moment, I was actually 100% happy. Even though I didn't feel very close to Felix, I now actually felt like the two of us could grow very close to each other over time.

"Stop Felix, look at my shirt!" I laughed out loud when he wrapped his arms around my upper chest in order to get all of the dirt on his shirt on me. I took a deep breath and tried to not laugh too hart and too loud like I always used to. In facts, besides San and us, no one was home.

For a moment, I actually had forgotten San, which was good since it would only make things complicated. I took a deep breath and bit my lip, Felix's arms still around me. "Sorry, Woo but you started this" he said and hugged me tightly, which made me smile widely

After Felix had passed out yesterday, he slept around ten hours and was now extremely energetic, which I liked since I was usually very playful. He was in a good mood today, probably because he hadn't seen San yesterday since he didn't join us so there was nothing he could be mad about

"Taste the dough" Felix said and suddenly dipped his finger into the chocolate dough in order to make me taste it. I bit my lip for a second, the sexual tension between us suddenly seemed to rise because of his action. I slowly opened my mouth and licked the other's finger, a sweet chocolate taste entering my mouth

"It's so good" I said with a smile on my face. Felix's Dave had turned slightly red and his eyes were suddenly drawn on my lips. I wondered, if I had chocolate on them since the dough was extremely sweet and drenched in chocolate.

Felix bit his lip, his facial expression had changed. "You have chocolate on your lip" he commented with a little smirk on his face, which looked shy and cute on him. I laughed and wanted to grab a towel but he suddenly make me look at him, his hand on my cheek stopping me from grabbing something to clean the mess

His face moved closer and the moment he closed his eyes I knew that he most likely would kiss me. I closed my eyes too and let it happen, just because I also wanted to kiss him. I liked romantic actions and this was definitely one of them.

My life suddenly felt like a movie but I couldn't help to think of someone else when Felix's lips touched mine. It felt nice, Felix was a good kisser and the moment was romantic, almost perfect timing but-

"Am I interrupting something?" a rough voice suddenly said. I took a step back feeling the urge to look at the person who just interrupted our kiss. It was San, who looked angry, almost furious. He looked so angry that it would frighten everyone.

He stood there, messy hair, only wearing loose sweatpants who revealed a big bulge, which didn't showed because he was hard but simply because it was big, very big.

I felt my entire body heating up seeing that he wore a grey hoodie that looked absolutely fabulous on him. I forced my eyes to not look at the big bulge again, now seeing that looking up wasn't great either since San had a tight gym shirt on. I took a deep breath in still not being able to not look at him

Felix didn't look happy at all. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at his cousin with fierce eyes. "You actually are" he said in a mad tone whereupon San slightly shook his head, as if he was amused, the older opened the refrigerator in order to grab one of his beloved Red Bulls.

I noticed that he drank a lot of them, surely it wasn't healthy to do so but I guessed that he needed the caffeine to keep up with his work. My eyes looked at the other concerned about the fact that he didn't even eat something that day, at least I wasn't sure about it

"Good" San only mumbled sarcastically, his eyes traveling to me, once again, making intense eye contact as if he wanted to tell me something through his eyes.

I didn't quite understand what San felt the moment he discovered Felix and me, romantically sharing a kiss in the kitchen whilst soft music was playing. But he had no right to be angry or mad. Why would he even be mad at two people being happy?

"Why did you even leave the office? You are annoying" Felix mumbled and rolled with his eyes again showing his cousin the deep anger that he felt when he was around.

I needed to focus. I hated the way Felix talked to San. Sure, I didn't know their entire story, maybe San was mean too yet I found Felix's way of talking disrespectful towards San.

"Felix, stop it." I said, not too loud but loud enough for the other two to hear me. Felix looked at me with wide eyes. The atmosphere slowly changed and I suddenly realized what I just did. I took place in a fight that didn't have anything to do with. A fight that went on for a very long time.

"What do you know about him and how he treated me? Why do you protect him?" Felix suddenly said in the most mad manner I've ever seen. My jaw dropped when I heard his angry and stern voice that was almost frightening.

Felix was angry before but he never spoke to me like that. He never disrespected me and he never made me feel bad. But now he did. And it didn't feel good. It didn't feel good at all.

"Watch your mouth" the rough voice of San suddenly filled the room. The atmosphere suddenly changed. San's tone was so cold and stern that I believed that this was the tone he used as a boss when someone made a mistake

I got goosebumps all over my body seeing San like this. It felt like he not even disliked the way Felix just talked to me, he hated it. Truly, hated it.

Felix eyes traveled to the other but he remained silent, which showed me that he actually didn't know what to say anymore, probably because he realized that he was wrong for talking to me like this.

"Don't annoy me" Felix only mumbled and started cleaning up a few messy items that we had used for baking. San on the other hand glanced at his cousin in anger before he harshly grabbed his energy drink and went upstairs again, obviously still mad.

I was torn between two sides. Of course I needed to have Felix's back since he was with me but he simply treated me wrong and like a child. And now he didn't even apologize to me for his harsh tone.

 And now he didn't even apologize to me for his harsh tone

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What a great day to change the book's cover ⭐️

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